Do You Believe in Magick Part 14
Cynthia Pawl Exposing Satanism and Witchcraft January 30, 2016
By Any Other Name Is Still Witchcraft

Magick - From Thelemapedia
A further revival of interest in magic was heralded by the repeal, in England, of the last Witchcraft Act in 1951 EV. This was the cue for Gerald Gardner, now recognized as the founder of Wicca, to publish his first non-fiction book Witchcraft Today, in which he claimed to reveal the existence of a witch-cult that dated back to pre-Christian Europe. Gardner's new religion combined magic andreligion in a way that was later to cause people to question the Enlightenment's boundaries between the two subjects.
Gardner's new religion, and many imitators, took off in the atmosphere of the 1960s and 1970s, when the counterculture of the hippies also spawned another period of renewed interest in magic, divination, and other occult practices. The various branches of neo-paganism and other new earth religions that have sprung up in Gardner's wake tend to follow his lead in combining the practice of magic and religion. The trend was continued by some heirs to the counterculture; feminists led the way when some launched an independent revival of goddess worship. This brought them into contact with the Gardnerian tradition of magical religion, and deeply influenced that tradition in return. Wikipedia

Wicca (English pronunciation:/ˈwɪkə/), also termed Pagan Witchcraft, is a contemporary Pagannew religious movement. It was developed in England during the first half of the 20th century and was introduced to the public in 1954 by Gerald Gardner, a retiredBritish civil servant. Wicca draws upon a diverse set of ancient pagan and 20th century hermeticmotifs for its theological structure andritual practice.

Wicca has no central authority. Its traditional core beliefs, principles and practices were originally outlined in the 1940s and 1950s by Gardner and Doreen Valiente, both in published books as well as in secret written and oral teachings passed along to their initiates. There are many variations on the core structure, and the religion grows and evolves over time. It is divided into a number of diverse lineages, sects and denominations, referred to as traditions, each with its own organizational structure and level of centralisation. Due to its decentralized nature, there is some disagreement over what actually constitutes Wicca. Some traditions, collectively referred to asBritish Traditional Wicca, strictly follow the initiatory lineage of Gardner and consider the term Wicca to apply only to similar traditions, while newer eclectic traditions do not.

Wicca is typically duotheistic, worshipping a Goddess and a God. These are traditionally viewed as the Moon Goddess and the Horned God, respectively. These deities may be regarded in a henotheistic way, as having many different divine aspects which can in turn be identified with many diverse pagan deities from different historical pantheons. For this reason, they are sometimes referred to as the "Great Goddess" and the "Great Horned God", with the adjective "great" connoting a deity that contains many other deities within their own nature. These two deities are sometimes viewed as facets of a greater pantheisticdivinity, which is regarded as an impersonal force or process rather than a personal deity. While duotheism or bitheism is traditional in Wicca, broader Wiccan beliefs range from polytheism to pantheism or monism, even to Goddess monotheism.

Wiccan celebrations follow both the cycles of the Moon, known as esbats and associated with the Goddess, and the cycles of the Sun, seasonally based festivals known as Sabbats and associated with the Horned God. An unattributed statement known as theWiccan Rede is a popular expression of Wiccan morality, although it is not accepted by all Wiccans. Wicca often involves the ritual practice of magic, though it is not always necessary. Source: Wikipedia

(also called witchery or spellcraft) broadly means the practice of, and belief in, magical skills and abilities that are able to be exercised individually by designated social groups, or by persons with the necessary esoteric secret knowledge. Witchcraft is a complex concept that varies culturally and societally; therefore, it is difficult to define with precision[1] and cross-cultural assumptions about the meaning or significance of the term should be applied with caution. Witchcraft often occupies a religious, divinatory or medicinal role,[2]and is often present within societies and groups whose cultural framework includes a magical world view.[1] Although witchcraft can often share common ground with related concepts such as sorcery, the paranormal, magic, superstition, necromancy, possession,shamanism,healing, spiritualism, nature worship and the occult, it is usually seen as distinct from these when examined by sociologists andanthropologists. Source: Wikipedia

For more info
, see the following web page:

Dancing with the Dark Side - An Interview with a Former Witch
Wicca - The Rise of a Western Mystery Religion
Based on Witchcraft

Eurovision 2015 // Witchcraft & SORCERY EXPOSED!!

Cone of power - witches hat represents

Truth Magazine - The Rise of Witchcraft


John Todd was born into a Witchcraft Bloodline of a very high degree. He met Jesus and was born again. His testimony and efforts to save other witches and occultists, exposed the illuminati and cost him his life.

Additional video: John Todd on his experience in the Music Industry

Excerpts taken from:
In And Out Of Wicca - A Former Wiccan Speaks
By A Former Wiccan

The “pagan revival has enjoyed phenomenal success in recent years because of its simple, yet compelling call to a lifestyle of tangible, exciting interaction with so-called gods and goddesses of an infinite number of spiritual persuasions, from the pantheons of ancient Babylon to the "high commands" of alien hierarchies aboard UFO's. Whatever their own unique fascinations may be, one thing is very clear: the countercultural fabric woven by the multitudes of people involved in the pagan revival has at least one thing in common, if nothing else, that being the intensely passionate longing for spiritual experience with the divine. Ritual and magick may be employed to bring definition and connection, but the desire for personal encounter underlies all pagan belief systems. Pursuit of the goddess becomes as much a desire for fellowship as fulfillment.”

I submit that for at least the last 60 years, people have been conditioned to reject the God of the Bible and embrace all types of Pagan Gods and Goddesses. Our educational system, Television, radio, videos, books (both fiction and non-fiction) have all been employed to accomplish this task. Evolution, Global Earth, Space Travel, Yoga, Martial Arts, Mythology, Super Hero Movies, Comic Books and Cartoons. I remember when my kids were growing up, they were not allowed to talk about God in school, but every year the entire school was decorated for a month dedicated to Greek and Roman life and Mythology. Every October, they spent a month reading stories about Witches, Vampires, Werewolves and Monsters. All through our culture Alien Life is promoted. Young people today are enthralled with the idea of meeting an alien. They are thoroughly convinced that any such life form would be advanced and benevolent.

The story you will find at the site from which I have taken the portions of this article that are in quotes, is a great testimony of a young lady who was sucked into the Pagan world of Wicca. Let’s take a look at some of the things she has to say.

“I had always been fascinated by magic. I started off innocently enough reading my horoscope (my mom did this, and didn't see anything wrong with it). My favorite movies and TV shows as a kid were all about witches and magic, now I was living out my fantasy.” If you have been following my Do You Believe In Magick series from the beginning, this ought to be very familiar ground.

“I had many experiences as a child that I know opened that door for me, and made me vulnerable. The pagans I met said I had a gift of the sight that ran in my family. I know now that Satan used my gifts that God had given me.” Satan’s minions will always appeal to your vanity. Puff you up and make you feel special. The truth is that anyone can tap into the supernatural, if they elect to do so. BUT, that is very dangerous ground. That is not a gift or calling from GOD. ESP/Psychic Ability all those related “crafts” are totally forbidden by the Creator.

"All of the little openings into the occult in my childhood (the movies, TV shows, games I played, etc) opened a door, that Satan used to get me to serve him rather than God. One movie that really stuck out in my mind as starting the whole mess was a movie I watched that starred Melissa Sue Anderson as a bad witch, and another child actress as a good witch. I didn't know it at the time but it was all about Wicca, and that movie affected me greatly, and I believed opened the door to my fascination with witchcraft." Again, we see the power of Hollywood’s use of our imagination. The spell they cast over the public through Television, Movies and Music. It is powerful.

"When I went off to college, I got interested in birth charts, and learned how to do astrological charts for others." When we send our young adults off to college, where they are totally vulnerable, they are easy prey for all kinds of demonic influences. But, most people don’t even have to leave home to be involved in astrology/astronomy. These are practiced openly by the whole family even in many Christian homes.

"I also got really messed up on drugs while in college," Here you go. That just really opened the door. The battle for her mind was won, right there. ALTERED STATE OF CONSCIOUSNESS! Once you allow yourself to enter an altered state of consciousness, your guard Is down and the troops have gone to bed. You are no longer able to discern right from wrong, nor to resist the forces/entities that come through the door.

and got more and more interested in Eastern mysticism. Again, no big surprise if you have been following along. Eastern Mysticism has been working hard for many years to establish a stronghold in our nation. This has been thoroughly accomplished. The Stronghold of Eastern Mysticisim, is likely the greatest influence on our nation at this time.

She met a young man, who belonged to a Presbyterian Church, and started to attend there.
"Some women in the church (mostly seminarian students at Columbia Theological Seminary) were talking about Sophia being the Holy Spirit one night at one of our singles gatherings (we met at a bar called the Beer Mug, so that tells you how liberal the church was). That introduced me to the idea of a female possibility for God." WOW, did you catch that? Not only is she in a church, but she is being influenced primarily by SEMINARY STUDENTS who worship SOPHIA calling her the Holy Ghost!!! We just talked about that in the section on Gnosticism.

"The pastor was a liberal (he had been kicked out of the Southern Baptist ministry and fired from his teaching position at a SBC seminary for teaching that the Bible was not inerrant and saying he did not believe anything that happened in the first 5 books, and he certainly didn't believe Moses wrote them)." This is the end result of the Roman Catholic Church removing all evidence of our connection to the roots of our faith.

"The pastor used to say, 'God in HER infinite wisdom.' People would laugh, but he was serious. He believed in using he and she interchangeably for God. I got active in this church, and started dating Chris. He was into the occult, but he was an elder in his Presbyterian Church, so I figured it was all okay." So, you see how pervasive this whole philosophy is in our current culture. The seminary students, the Pastor and her boyfriend, who was an elder, all perfectly comfortable with the whole idea that the God of the bible is not who He says He is.

"I read Drawing Down the Moon by Margot Adler. I still was not into goddess worship, but I started getting into the occult--tarot cards, ouija board, color magick (Ray Buckland's books). I then started dating a guy that was into astral projection, and magick (the pagan spelling to differentiate it from illusionist's magic). After him, I started dating a guy that was a Shaman. I got more and more into it--all the while teaching Sunday School in the Presbyterian Church. I was really into environmentalism, and was teaching more of that in Sunday School, than Bible stories." Ok, we have covered all of those topics in my previous sections of Do You Believe in Magick. Here you can see the clear evidence.

Unitarian Universalist Pagans were forming and holding a ritual. I talked my husband into attending. He was not impressed, but I was hooked. I loved the ritual, and the idea of having complete control. At first, I got into Native American Spirituality (mother earth, father sky...) and stuck with its' imagery, calling deity "great spirit." I was still too uncomfortable to call on gods and goddesses. But soon, I found myself choosing a pantheon, and I joined the pagan group - about 6 months later I was really into goddess worship all out.

"You see that's how it is with paganism. At first you get started in some new age ideas (my actual first one was reincarnation), then you get into occult stuff, horoscopes, tarot, psychic readings, etc. Then you start believing that a loving God wouldn't send anyone to hell, so all paths MUST lead to God...slippery slope straight to hell. I see it every day. People who claim to be Christians, but accept some new age ideas, then they throw out the Bible, deny Jesus' divinity, say all gods are one god, and WHAM!"
In And Out Of Wicca: An Ex-Wiccan Speaks -
Click To Listen By Streaming mp3

May 2016 Update: Check out these videos I recently found. I recommend this person's webpage: http://For Yahweh


Do You Believe in Magick Continued in part 15 - Satanism