Do you believe in Magic Part 23

- The Magical Mystery Tour

Peace, Love, Joy, Happiness, Brotherhood

Promises, promises, promises. ALL empty. There can never be peace on earth until the Prince of Peace brings it. Man's heart is wicked and evil. And mankind has an adversary that is working diligently to deceive and destroy all that is good and belongs to God. The Anti-Christ is coming, disguised as an angel of Light. He is the one who stands in the place of Christ, pretending to be Christ.

The World is embracing these teachings and they will accept the Anti-Christ, because God has given them over to a reprobate mind that they might believe the lie. Why would God do that? Because mankind has rejected God and His TRUTH.

There isThere is nothing new under the sun. Everything that has been done before will be again.
Ecclesiastes 1:9
What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun. Is there anything of which one can say, “Look! This is something new”? It was here already, long ago; it was here before our time. No one remembers the former generations, and even those yet to come will not be remembered by those who follow them.
Everything that is happening today, has happened before. Our history has been hidden from us, because if we had known our history, we would be far less likely to repeat it. This new world order is nothing new. It was tried ages and ages ago, at the Tower of Babel. One World, One Religion, One Language. You should be aware of what happened at the Tower of Babel. If you are not, I suggest you research it. We are about to revisit another story out of the bible. The Bible says that in the end times it shall be as it was in the Days of Noah.
9 Core Beliefs of the NEW AGE
1. Evolutionary optimism -New Agers believe that the world is poised to explode into a New Age of enlightenment. They are convinced that this “new world order” will be united under a one world government and initiated by a quantum leap in humanity’s spiritual evolution.
2. Monism - Monism means “oneness.” New agers believe that we are all one with each other and the universe. We are all connected by the common cord of the cosmos.
3. Pantheism - New Agers do not believe in a personal God. They believe that the totality of all the “oneness” in the cosmos can collectively be called “god”. Some call it “the force”. Others call it “consciousness”. But by any label, it is the deification of the universe and everything in it. That’s why Shirley MacLaine can proclaim, “I am God.” She believes that as part of this cosmic consciousness, she is god and so are you.
4. Transformation of Consciousness
New Agers believe that the New Age must be experienced to be transformational. Through meditation, drugs, yoga, martial arts, or cosmic experiences, the goal of the New Ager is to become one with the universe. The goal is a state of mind that is at peace with oneself and at one with one’s universe.
5. Create your own reality - In the New Age movement, morals are subjective. Since there is not an external objective standard of authority when it comes to behavior then you are free to create your own moral reality. The New Age encourages its participants to experiment and experience their own morals on their journey toward oneness.
6. Unlimited human potential -New Agers are convinced that all the power of the universe is available to every person. The more that we can know the god within us the more we can unleash the cosmic force to achieve the unachievable.
(ESP, Telepathy, Out of Body Experiences and Psychokineses [moving or manipulating objects with ones mind] are all evidence of their belief in unlimited human potential.
7. Spirit Contact - New Agers believe that there is an army of spirit guides, extraterrestrials, and entities who are seeking to communicate with humans through mediums or channelers. These channelers are humans who are in touch with the cosmic consciousness and are used by these spirit guides to communicate universal truth to others. These cosmic truths routinely contradict Biblical teachings.
8. Masters from Above - New Agers believe thatUFO’s and those who have had extraterrestrial encounters prove that there is not only life on other planets, but that these more evolved species have much to teach us.
9. Religious Syncretism -As Douglas Groothuis writes in his book, Confronting the New Age, “New Age spirituality is a rather eclectic grab bag of Eastern mysticism, Western occultism, neopaganism, and human psychology”. Many New Agers claim to be Christian. Most Americans today are New Age in at least some areas of their belief system. The whole contention, “it doesn’t matter what you believe, it only matters that you believe,” flows from the New Age belief system. Source

Rest assured, there is something for everyone in this NEW AGE. Multiple Paths to Euphoria. After all, all roads lead to the same place, right? There is only One God and we all find Him/Her/It in our own way, right? It's all good.
Surely, that must be true. After all, that is what Ted Turner says, so it must be true. Makes sense right? Why can't we all accept and love each other? isn't that what God would want? Let me ask you if you believe in one Creator God, the God of the Bible, how can you embrace a religion that worships nature (the creation instead of the creator), or one that worships the Sun, or one that worships multiple Gods and Goddesses? How about one that worships Lucifer/Satan? Or, worse yet, one that sees God as a force? Not an intelligent being who created us purposefully and designed us intricately? And a religion that sees God as a force that is equally present in everything rocks, water, animals, plants, puts no special value on human life. The Creator in the bible says He created Man in His image. This would demand that human life be revered as sacred. How can all these diametrically opposed faiths be one?.............

THE SECRET - Power of Attraction
Once you have the "SECRET", the WORLD IS YOURS! Surely you know that you CREATE your own reality. It is all in the power of your mind, your will, and your faith! If you can imagine it, you can create it.

According to Rotten Tomatoes: "Scientists, authors, and philosophers propose the secret to leading a happy and successful life." The Power of Positive Thinking and the Law of Attraction. That is all you need to get all you want.

But, Genesis 6:5, states: "And GOD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually." Jeremiah 17:9 says: "The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?
The New Age Teaching would have you believe that you can look to Angels for guidance. They have all kinds of teachings, and suggestions on how to reach your ANGEL GUIDES. I give you one guess what angels you would be contacting. Though Angels are messengers of God and he often sends them to give encouragement and protection, they are not at our beck and call. There is a veil between us and the spirit realm for a reason. It was placed there by GOD himself. He is the one who decides when and if we have any interaction with His angels. THE FALLEN ANGELS and their progeny, are the ones who are going to and fro in the earth looking for souls with whom they can interact. They are restricted in some ways, one of those being that at this time, they must gain permission from humans. Now, humans can give permission ignorantly, if they are unwise and allow themselves to be deceived. Don't buy into this deception.

This has been going on since the beginning. The fallen angels have been deceiving mankind throughout history. This is especially true in these last days. They know that we are coming to the end of Time. They are pulling out all the stops, in their last ditch effort to win the spiritual battle, or at least destroy as much as they can. Haven't you noticed that evil is running rampant? People who are practicing yoga, angel worship, Wicca, and satanism are calling in these demons whether knowingly or unknowingly.

*AGE OF DECEIT* (FULL) Fallen Angels and the New World Order

According to New Age, an "Ascended Master is a Being of Light, who has had many lives in a physical body, just like you – and through these lives and their own free will and hard work have raised their vibration and consciousness. They have attained mastery over themselves and the elements through time and space. They have left the cycle of rebirth. They have all passed the 6th initiation and some have passed higher initiations. These great Beings continually strive to come less of who they are and more a Being of total purity and Light."
Channeling or Connecting with what is known as Ascended Masters, or Ancestors is the same as Angel Worship. These are Demonic entities. Do not be fooled. The Bible tells us that there is no way for the living to contact the dead.

Animal Spirit Guides or Totems
A "Spirit Animal" is an animal spirit who will present life's lessons. The Spirit Animal is the one who comes to you in order to show you, through its own unique nature and skills, how to deal with the manifestations of your Spiritual Journey. Spirit Animals do not necessarily guide you, but they come to teach you that which you need to learn, in order to know how to meet the challenges of your journey.
A "Totem Animal" is an animal spirit that you call upon or invoke, as an individual or a group, for its special powers and survival skills, to serve as a guardian or protector when facing adversity.

Once again, these are demonic forces making contact with humans in whatever form they can find acceptance.

Tomorrowland or Tomorrow World
EXPOSED! "Tomorrowland"
illuminati Festival of Lucifer (R$E)

Burning Man

Exposed! DEMONIC spirits at
RAVE EVENT // R$E Qlimax
Folks, if you are not familiar with any of the above "concerts/festivals", I suggest you research them. You will be shocked and amazed. These events are attended by thousands and thousands of young people every year. They are rampant with sex, drugs and heavy metal/rock music. But, more importantly they are filled with demonic entities and mind control practices designed to endoctrinate those in attendance. They are conditioning our young people to believe the lie and accept the spirits. Don't take my word for it CHECK IT OUT. They have so much sex going on at these events that they keep medical staff onsite to perform D&Cs to clean the girls up before they go home to mom and dad.
These next two videos were filmed at the Qlimax concerts in the Netherlands. Qlimax was actually the first of these types of festivals, and started the movement/craze. Check this out. There is no denying the Satanic nature of these events. Watch and see for yourself. PLEASE PRAY FIRST! Pray that the Holy Spirit will protect your mind and spirit and prevent any demonic entities from entering your home while you watch.
Occultism in the Netherlands, Satan worship, demonic activity Qlimax 2007 - FULL Blu-ray [HD]

Size of the Crowd at Tomorrowland Tomorrowland Illuminati Satanic Love Festival
Now, is probably a good time to address Altered States of Consciousness:
An altered state of consciousness is a brain state wherein one loses the sense of identity with one's body or with one's normal sense perceptions. A reduced self-awareness followed by reduced awareness of the environment. Wikipedia

Accidental and pathological causes:

Traumatic experience
Oxygen deficiency
Sleep deprivation
Induced intentionally with methods including:
illegal substances, or heavy dosages of medications,
as well as large amounts of alcohol
sensory deprivation,
isolation tank,
lucid dreaming

Dr. Elizabeth Hillstrom "concludes that there are no indications in Scripture that people should enter altered states or trances in order to draw closer to God, a common theme in New Age circles. She points out that, according to 1 Peter 4:7 (and other Scriptures), Christians are to be “clear-minded and self-controlled” so that they may pray or study Scripture. Thus, the biblical means of spiritual growth and sanctification, e.g. meditation on Scripture, prayer, fasting, “are surely not meant to put us into altered states of consciousness.” Further, as we have argued all along, these states are clearly open doors to the intrusion of demonic spirits."

When someone is in a state of altered consciousness, they have lost control of their faculties. They are no longer able to make moral judgments. They are susceptible to suggestion and physically unable to defend themselves or resist. That is when you are most open and receptive to demon entities and the ideas and philosophies they plant in your mind.
If you watched the videos on the Qlimax Festivals, surely you recognize that the people attending these concerts are totally in an altered state of consciousness. They usually are under the influence of alcohol/and or drugs, they are over excited by the journey to get to the concert and the anticipation, the crowds of people, the hypnotic symbols and lights, the drum beats, the noise, the message in the music, they are usually over indulging in sex, and getting very little rest or nourishment. Do you think they are responding to the programming that is directed at them? You better believe they are soaking it up like a sponge. Do you think they are opening themselves up to demonic possession... if you don't, you are a fool.

The Dangers of Altered States of Consciousness
By: Dr. John Ankerberg, Dr. John Weldon;

“... to develop ASCs is not to participate in a form of higher consciousness or true spirituality, as New Age proponents would have us believe. Rather, it often involves abnormal, regressive states of consciousness—ones particularly conducive to demonic contact and manipulation. The radical change in worldview is characteristically toward the occult, encouraging both occult practices and occult philosophy.
The growing acceptance of altered states by millions of people, their use in psychotherapy, medicine, education, and many other fields is a reflection of the growing influence of paganism in our society.”

BILL COOPER - Maria's Story - NEW AGE DECEPTION Exposing
The Satanic New Age
100% PROOF the

The Following excerpts were taken from a Blog by 1Prophetspeaks and there is much more information on the site...
Yoga is dangerous. The purpose of the positions spiritually is to make the body more receptive to the entrance of the demons.
Kundalini yoga has this as its purpose. Kundalini is described as a serpent energy, which is supposed to go up the chakras, or energy centers that go up the spine, from the tailbone to top of the head.
The serpent is the same serpent spirit that was in the garden of Eden in the bible, - the devil. The bible describes him as "that serpent the devil".
I once had an encounter with this serpent energy.
I lived in an apartment with a Vietnamese Buddhist who practiced yoga in a room that I moved into. She continued to do yoga in the same spot where I had my sleeping mat on the floor. One day I was sitting on it while talking on the phone with a Christian friend, and suddenly felt something enter my body and go up my spine! It was excruciating and I screamed in pain.
My friend prayed in tongues until it left.

Do You Believe in Magick continues Part 24 - NEW AGE Magical Mystery Tour