Do You Believe in Magick Part 31

The amazing rise of

Ecclesiastes 1:9

“The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun.”

Revelation 13:4
"And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him?"


Exposing The Head Of The Snake & The Most Evil Cult In The World ~ Christopher Everard ~

Exposing The Head Of The Snake & The Most Evil Cult In The World ~ Christopher Everard ~
Prince of EArth and The Brotherhood of The Snake
The Sacred Past of Serpent Worshippers
by Philip Gardiner
from Scribd Website

Serpent worship was once common in Ireland until Christianity’s dominance systematically wiped it out. Yet according to Philip Gardiner the signs of this ancient wisdom lore can still be found today throughout the world.

Quoting the book Secret Doctrine by Madame H. P. Blavatsky,
it states that worship of the dragon and the sun were universal on the earthplane. "The tradition of the Dragon and the Sun is echoed in every part of the world.…There was a time when the four parts of the world were covered with the temples sacred to the Sun and the Dragon: but the cult is now preserved mostly in China and the Buddhist countries (p. 378-9, V. II)." The dragon, however, is not the middle age concept of a beast with wings breathing fire, but is, in reality, a snake.
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This spot is thought by some to be Sipapu, entrance to the Hopi Underworld.
It is a sacred place of pilgrimage for the Hopi,
at the bottom of the Canyon of the Little Colorado above its junction with the Colorado River.
Serpent/Dragon Worship had a World Wide presence throughout History
There are monuments built to serpents all over the world. Most Americans are not aware that that the American Indians, who were native to the "New World", were serpent worshippers. There are numerous serpent mounds and carved stones of snakes throughout the Americas. In fact, "America" is the name given to this country by the Indians of Peru. The word "America" means Winged Serpent!

Luciferian Worship: It's beginning in Serpent, Dragon, and Sun Worship
Serpent mounds – a worldwide phenomenon

Further references to serpent mounds can be found across the world. In the Persian holy book Zend Avesta one of the story’s heroes takes a rest on what he thinks is a bank – only to find out that it was a green snake. In Mauritania, Iphicrates says that “there were dragons of such extent that grass grew up on their backs.” In Strabo (Lib xv. P.1022) two dragons are said to have resided in the mountains of India, one eighty cubits long and the other one hundred and forty.
From Syria Posidonius tells of a dragon which was so large that horse riders on either side could not see each other. Each ‘scale’ was as big as a shield, so that a man “might ride into his mouth.” It is thought that these must be ruins of Ophite (serpent worshiping) temples. In some parts of Syria serpent worshippers were known as Hivites (linked with the root word hivvah which from which came the biblical name of Eve which could then be equated with "female serpent"). In India serpent deities are known as the Naga.

From South America text said to have been written by Votan (Quetzalcoatl), in the language of the Quiches says he left Valum Chivim [5] and came to the New World to apportion land among seven families who came with him and were said to be of serpent origin or culebra. Passing the “land of thirteen snakes” he arrived in Valum Votan, founding the city of Nachan (City of Snakes), thought to be Palenque, possibly around 15 BC or even earlier.
In reference to Serpent Mounds there is the description of a subterranean passage, that terminated at the ‘root of heaven’ – referred to as a ‘snake’s hole’ while snake heaven was Patala. Votan was only allowed entry because he was ‘the son of a snake’ from which we can infer he was an initiate in the serpent cult.
Source: THE SERPENT CODE - The Sacred Past of Serpent Worshippers


Ouroboros, the Infinity Symbol

(/ˌjʊərəˈbɒrəs, ˌjʊəroʊ-/, from the Greek οὐροβόρος ὄφις tail-devouring snake) is an ancient symboldepicting a serpent or dragon eating its own tail.
I would like to share with you something that Yah told me, when He first began to open the Word up to me so that I could understand it. He told me that Dragons were real. Not only were they real and existed throughout history, but that they were very much alive today. He told me that they retreated to the inner earth, after the flood. He told me that inside the earth, all the waterways are connected, and that there are pockets, areas where there is dry land and air to breath. WOW! That was humungous to me, especially at that time. It was back in the early 1980's and no one was talking about dragons, or aliens even. Naturally, anyone I shared that with thought I had lost my mind. Yet, here we are today and people are discovering that dinorsaurs actually existed contemporary with man. They are finding evidence that they are still alive today. Man is discovering all manner of Sea Monsters, never before seen. They are also discovering that what have come to be called "aliens" seem to be either inter-dimensional beings, and/or coming up from underground, not from outer space at all.
I am attaching the following articles, so that you can see for yourself that people today are buying into all types of deception. They are even returning to the worship of serpents and dragons. Who would have believed it. For centuries we were told that the book of Revelation was written "allegorically" because everyone knows there are no dragons.... right? lol and

I find it mind bogglingly incredulous that people are so foolish as to enter in to worshipping the snake/dragon, who is The Father of Lies and a Murderer. This evil Adversary of your soul, walks about seeking to find whom he may devour. Please understand that when GOD had the Hebrew people lift the snake up on the stick in the desert, it was a symbol of the CURSE being hung on a
tree. The BiBLE says, "Cursed is he who hangs on a tree." That is why Jesus was hung on the Cross. He became accursed for us. He nailed our sin to the tree. When the Hebrew people started worshipping the snake in the desert, GOD was wroth with them, because they were fools! They
knew the snake was evil. Yet they credited the devil with the blessing that God had provided.

Do You Believe in Magick Concludes with Part 32 - Leviathan