Posted with Permission By Donna Wasson September 6, 2015

It’s my opinion that 9/11 was God’s major wake-up call to this country, and instead of national repentance, we yawned, turned over, and went back to sleep. In response, We set up the kingdom of Barack Hussein Obama, a man whose background and truth the media deliberately refused to investigate; whose meteoric rise from obscurity to the most powerful position in the world was nothing less than an obvious, absurd contrivance. Anyone with half a brain could smell a rat.
When the Usurper uttered the following sentence, ironically on Halloween night, October 31, 2008, “We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America,” I knew in that instant this country was doomed. The Bible tells us that God sets up rulers and takes them down for His purposes and glory.
“This matter is by the decree of the watchers, and the demand by the word of the holy ones: to the intent that the living may know that the most High ruleth in the kingdom of men, and giveth it to whomsoever He will, and setteth up over it the basest of men.” -Daniel 4:17 (KJV)
Obama was elected, or rather selected by the satan-worshipping Globalist elite, to destroy this nation. After all, the New World Order can’t rise with a free America in the way! Little did they know they were fulfilling God’s plan. The Occupant has been very successful carrying out his objectives so far, but he’s not finished yet. It’s my opinion that there will not be another Presidential election. I highly doubt that narcissistic psychopath is going anywhere.
Since he took office, we’ve suffered from economic downturn with unimaginable unemployment, accompanied by a staggering rise in the welfare state. Racial tensions are at their most volatile point since the early 1960’s, largely due to his continuous, incendiary rhetoric of supposed white privilege and hatred. Rioting, looting and violence have become a way of life for the perpetually offended.
Obamadinajad has gone out of his way to insult and alienate our allies, while pandering to and sending billions of our tax dollars to support Muslim factions, bent on our destruction. Our national borders are wide open to anyone who chooses to enter, with the exception of displaced and persecuted Christians.
The moral fabric of this country has taken an almost comical nosedive during his tenure. The rise of all things sexually perverted can be laid at his feet, as well as redefining the 6000 year old basis for human civilization, marriage between one man and one woman—the bedrock of the family unit. Now, the LGTB-XYZZ mafia rules the day and anything their little hearts whine for, they get. I hope they enjoy their power while they have it. All will be corrected shortly.
The Occupant is hell-bent on crushing our freedoms and liberties by choosing which laws he will recognize and abide by, and which he won’t. He bypasses our elected representatives and uses his phone and pen to institute new laws and statutes, many of which are in direct violation of our Constitution. And before he’s finished, he has every intention of depriving every American citizen of that most fundamental of all human rights: the right to defend ourselves and our family against bodily harm, by confiscating our weapons. Well, good luck with that one.
Let’s take a stroll down memory lane, to a kinder, gentler era. The first time America was introduced to the phrase “New World Order” was in a state of the union speech by President H.W. Bush in January of 1991. Here’s what he said: “Halfway around the world, we are engaged in a great struggle in the skies and on the seas and sands. We know why we’re there: We are Americans, part of something larger than ourselves. For two centuries, we’ve done the hard work of freedom. And tonight, we lead the world in facing down a threat to decency and humanity.”
“What is at stake is more than one small country; it is a big idea: a New World Order, where diverse nations are drawn together in common cause to achieve the universal aspirations of mankind—peace and security, freedom and the rule of law. Such is a world worthy of our struggle and worthy of our children’s future.”
This idea for a one world government, economic system and religion originated in ancient Babylon, and was re-birthed in the United Nations, which is literally comprised of occultists and luciferian New Age worshippers. Author Geri Ungurean wrote an excellent article on its origins, which I’m including here. Please take the time to read this information.
In 1996, the United Nations published a 420 page report titled Our Global Neighborhood, which outlined a plan for global governance. It called for an International Conference on Global Governance to be held in 1998, for the purposes of submitting to the world the necessary treaties to achieve this goal, all to be ratified by the year 2000.
The New World Order (NWO) was officially ‘conceived’ on December 31, 1999, in a blatant satanic ceremony which was played out for the world to see. Unfortunately, very few understood what they were watching. Notice this was New Year’s Eve, at the beginning of the new millennia, a rare and extremely symbolic event in the spiritual world.
Please note: For those of you who find the following information ‘offensive,’ I suggest you grow up and realize what kind of people run the governments of this world. Sex and bloodshed are the ancient hallmarks of satanic sacrifice for the purposes of acquiring power. Now, take a deep breath and read how Pastor David Meyer described the scene in his September 2000 newsletter, The Last Trumpet:
“On New Year’s Eve, 1999, a program was held in Washington D.C. at the site of the Washington Monument. The Washington Monument structure is what is known as an “obelisk.” The obelisk is Egyptian in origin, and a simple check in reference books will verify that the obelisk is a representation of the erect reproductive organ of the “sun god.” If we take the word apart etymologically, it becomes “O-Bel-Isk” or “shaft of Baal.”
“In front of the satanic shaft, above the rectangular Lincoln Memorial Reflecting Pool, were the numerals 1999, which were suspended over the pool so the angle would reveal a reflected 666 with the preceding numeral 1 not being visible. It was the number of the ‘Beast’ in front of his reproductive shaft, and countless millions of uninformed people watched, while oblivious to the real meaning from the standpoint of illuministic witchcraft.”
Ironically, this took place during, of all people, Bill Clinton’s presidency! HAHA! But I digress. Pastor Meyer continues:
“At the stroke of midnight, as the year rolled over to 2000, a pulsating light accompanied by fireworks began at the base of the shaft and moved upward as the light intensified in its vertical movement, and burst forth at the top of the monument. The connotation was filthy, and I knew immediately what was happening. It was a climax or orgasm of light, climbing this evil and ancient representation of the so-called sun god’s reproductive organ. What brazen idolatry! What blatant witchcraft! Then, the excited people moved in massive throngs to go down into the reflecting pool in the presence of the monument, just as the ancient Egyptians did, as they did their ritual bathing in waters made sacred by the obelisk.”
This covert ‘impregnating’ occult ritual was carried out by other select obelisks throughout the world, each one starting its ‘climax’ minutes before midnight local time. Precisely nine months later, at the conclusion of a 13 day United Nations summit, the ‘baby’ New World Order was officially born. Allow me to explain.
The Illuminati/Globalist elite are really into numbers and symbols; they choose dates to implement their plans according to numerology. For instance, we all know the number ’13’ is a number associated with the occult, representing evil, i.e. Friday the 13th. This is the reason the United Nations summits were designed to last 13 days.
The following information comes from Back in 1991, a seminar was given by the New England Director of the House of Theosophy, Bill Lambert, who revealed the Globalist elite’s plans regarding the appearance of the antichrist, the decision to name the Roman Catholic Pope as the False Prophet, and the fact that the ‘Guiding Spirits’ (demons) were revealing to NWO leaders that the rapture of Christians would occur soon after the appearance of the antichrist. I don’t know where he got his information, but it looks like he was right on the money.
He outlined a planned sequence of events designed to finally create a tidal wave of esoteric support for the New World Order. The goal of these events was to create a global religion, economy and government in the long run, but also to ‘solve’ the religious problem represented by Jerusalem.
“And in that day, I will make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people: all that burden themselves with it shall be cut in pieces, though all the people of the earth be gathered together against it.” -Zechariah 12:3 (KJV)
At this seminar in 1991, Lambert revealed that sometime before 2010, “the following scenario will unfold, depending only on the right set of circumstances,” with the goal of creating an internationalized Jerusalem where Jewish, Muslim and Christian areas combine to form what he called The New Jerusalem Covenant Project. The scenario would consist of a huge religious/economic/political summit, to be held at the United Nations building in New York City.
Those events literally came to pass as planned! The ‘Millennium World Peace Summit’ (religious) convened from August 28-31, 2000. It was a gathering of spiritual leaders from all over the world, to investigate ways religious leaders could erase tensions in areas of conflict.
Next, the ‘Millennium Assembly of the United Nations’ (political) was held from September 6-8, 2000, and essentially named the United Nations as the supreme governing body of the world. Yeah, I don’t remember hearing that little announcement either.
Finally, the ‘State of the World Forum’ (economic) met from September 4-10, 2000, and was co-chaired by Mikhail Gorbachev and Colin Powell. It gathered economic leaders from all over the world to discuss the economic and societal impact of globalization.
So, at the conclusion of these meetings, the official occult ‘birth’ of the New World Order occurred on September 10, 2000—exactly nine months after the pagan, pseudo-fertilization of the obelisk monuments across the world into the womb of the night sky, on December 31, 1999. Told you they were really into numbers!
Here’s a little factoid that you should find interesting. According to Olde English Witchcraft, if a person wanted to join a witch’s coven they had to renounce their religious beliefs, then wait one year and one day before they were welcomed into the coven. The birth of the NWO was 9/10/2000. Guess what happened exactly one year and a day later?
If you guessed 9/11/2001, you’re correct! On September 10, 2000, America, along with the other countries who participated in the 13 day United Nations summit, renounced Christianity. One year and one day later we joined satan’s coven, preparing for the rise of the antichrist and his kingdom.
This was celebrated by The Powers That Be/Globalist elite/Illuminati, by offering satan a blood sacrifice of 3000 innocent men, women and children, and counting. The first responders who inhaled the toxic dust that day, are still dying of various cancers and lung diseases. It was the gift to satan that keeps on giving.
Fast forward to 2015, as the plan to turn Jerusalem into an ‘international city’ is being implemented, right under our noses! Strange how the mainstream American media has failed to mention this. Messianic Jew, author, Bible and Hebraic scholar, Steven Ben-DeNoon, discusses what is currently happening in Israel on his YouTube channel. You can watch his report below, showing the checkpoints that are being built right now for the new, ‘international city.’
As you probably already know, Pope Francis, whom I highly suspect is the False Prophet, will address the United Nations General Assembly on September 25, 2015. They are expected to vote on a resolution, forcing Israel to live within her pre-1967 borders in order to establish a Palestinian state. This will include dividing Jerusalem, which will then be designated the capital of both Israel and Palestine. The wicked Occupant of the White House has all but promised to betray Israel by voting in favor of this. God have mercy on the righteous remnant of the United States!
Now that you have some good background information, I’ll explain in Part 2 of Why the Mark Brings Spiritual Death, how the New World Order, Pope Francis and the Ascended Masters will introduce the Mark of the Beast, and why the Bible emphatically warns that those who receive it will be thrown into the Lake of Fire forever.
Until then, make sure you have accepted the pardon for your sins Jesus died on the cross to provide for you. The Bride of Christ will be snatched off this wretched earth very soon, and you do NOT want to be left behind to endure the Tribulation!
If you go to the store to buy Meat, don't run to the Milk section or the Junk Food aisle looking for it!!
The Meat Section is the True Gospel of Jesus Christ.
The Milk Section is likened to those who will not preach on sin and Hell, just a feel good message, the Social gospel.
The Junk Food Isle is the outright false doctrine AKA the prosperity gospel, name it and claim it, the Hebraic Roots movement and other false teachings!!
Feasting on just Milk and Junk will eventually cause you great harm, you can count on it!!
If you appreciate what this Ministry is doing to Expose the Fake Christians, Satanists, Witches, Communist/Socialist Democrats, R.I.N.O Republicans and the assault on our Conservative, True Christian values, please consider a small donation to help us continue and expand. This Ministry is not only under attack by the Enemy, we are now under attack from supposed Christians also. It is what Tom Horn calls 'Blood on the Altar"!