Pastor Poisoned by Satanist Son

Zimbabwe December 2016  – A pastor is fighting for his life after he was poisoned by his son. Mr David Dambuka of Gutu is now bedridden and his condition is deteriorating. The son poisoned him after being initiated into satanism by a teacher at his school.
His son who was doing Form Four at Mushayavanhu High School is said to have laced his food with an unknown poison. A dog that ate the left overs allegedly died on the spot while Mr Dambuka vomited.

The chairperson of the Mushayavanhu High School Development Committee, Mr Saul Tarume, said the poisoning occurred sometime last month. He said the incident has caused widespread fear in the village and Mushayavanhu Township with parents now hesitant to send their children to the school.

“The story is long. When we got wind of the incident we had a meeting with school authorities where everything was revealed. The situation is back to normal but the boy’s father is writhing in agony at home as he failed to get assisted at the hospital,” he said.

A named lady teacher at the school is alleged to have initiated about 15 pupils, both boys and girls into satanism.

He said the pupils seemed to go into a trance one day and started behaving strangely.

A local pastor, Mr Tarume said, prayed for them and as they recovered, the pupil confessed he had poisoned his father. At that time relatives were saying Mr Dambuka was suffering from a strange illness that could not be diagnosed by doctors.

A villager told The Chronicle the boy poisoned his father’s tea and sadza.
“The father ate the food and vomited. From then on he started having serious health complications. He visited the hospital but the health personnel did little to help him. He is back but the condition is deteriorating. The sadza was thrown to a dog which ate it and died instantly,” said the villager

Relatives, added the villager, confronted the boy and he allegedly implicated the teacher whose identity we have but cannot reveal.

“He named 14 other pupils that he said were part of a cult led by the teacher,” said the villager.

Gutu District Education Staffing Officer Mr James Mahofa could not confirm nor deny the occurence and referred questions to the district education inspector Mr Sonny Chirikure.
Mr Chirikure said he heard about the incident but it was not officially reported to his office.

“I have heard about the incident through the grapevine but it is yet to be officially brought to our attention. The school’s headmaster has not yet briefed us. As of now, we do not have details on what exactly transpired. A similar incident could have occurred at Devure High School but no one has brought it to our attention officially,” said Mr Chirikure.

Efforts to get a comment from Mr Dambuka and his family were unsuccessful.    Source here

If you go to the store to buy Meat, don't run to the Milk section or the Junk Food aisle looking for it!!

The Meat Section is the True Gospel of Jesus Christ.

The Milk Section is likened to those who will not preach on sin and Hell, just a feel good message, the Social gospel.

The Junk Food Isle is the outright false doctrine AKA the prosperity gospel, name it and claim it, the Hebraic Roots movement and other false teachings!!

Feasting on just Milk and Junk will eventually cause you great harm, you can count on it!!
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