Snorting Cocaine and Gay Orgy right on the False Prophet Francis’ Property!

This info is Midway through a writing at the Daily Beast:

Nosy neighbors are never a good thing. Especially if you are a monsignor hosting orgies and your neighbors are cardinals.

[…]“The fed-up neighbors were simply sick of what they described as a “steady stream of young men” who frequented Ratzinger’s former apartment, which had been given to Monsignor Luigi Capozzi, the secretary for Cardinal Francesco Coccopalmerio, who heads the Vatican’s Pontifical Council for Legislative Texts, which busies itself with deciphering and clarifying various points of canon law. So they called the cops, in this case the Vatican’s elite Swiss Guard gendarmerie unit, when the noise and movida nightlife just got to be too much.

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Homosexual Francesco Coccopalmerio: Cardinal Gay Orgy and Media is Silent

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Evidence emerging from the Vatican in recent days strongly suggests Pope Francis is transforming the Catholic Church into a socialist political organization that embraces the LGBT agenda, in complete rejection of the traditional pro-family religious orientation of his predecessor, Pope Benedict XVI.

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