Dungeons and Dragons

Why all the fuss over a game?
I will attempt to give you my view of Dungeons and Dragons from the perspective of what the Word of God says.

Corinthians II 2:11 Lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his devices.

Now I have never gotten “into” the game, (and I thank my lord and savior for that) I have been around people who have and from what I have researched and have seen its is my conclusion the game teaches witchcraft, demonology, voodoo, necromancy and satanism. There are many more but lets look at just these five and other meanings in their definitions. Those of you who are playing D&D are angry right now and are looking for the mail link to give me a tongue lashing. Before you do I ask, as some ask me to do, just listen for a moment. What we must do is identify certain definitions and then see if in fact this game is contrary to the word of God.

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