Do some Christians using Signs of Satanism and Witchcraft?
Yes! Some use them unknowingly and others know exactly what they are doing!
Categorized Signs and Symbols are at these links
Catholicism ——- Voodoo
Racism – Racist groups | False Religion – Cults | More from another Ministry | Native American Indian |
As I had put up on Signs and Symbols of Satanism page 1, you must discern when you see “Christian” people using these signs. Look into what they believe and what the belong to. Many are Christian in name only and are wolves in the fold!!!
Is this just innocent hand gesturing, or is it a sign of what is deep in the heart?

Paul Joseph Watson & Steve Watson | November 18 2005
Pat Robertson, the so-called voice of Christian America, has again been caught ‘El Diablo red handed’ flashing occult and satanic hand signals during his show.
During Thursday morning’s 700 Club program Robertson could clearly be seen displaying the El Diablo hand gesture towards the end of the broadcast.
To fans of UT football El Diablo simply means ‘Hook ’em Horns’ but it is also used by Satanists as a form of communication.
The gesture represents the horned devil, also known as the sign of Il Cornuto and Diabolicus and was fully embraced by modern day Satanic cults. It is now seen as a trendy thing to do amongst heavy metal and goth fans. They see it as a sign of rebellion against the establishment, which couldn’t be further from the truth.
Headlines were made last year during Bush’s inauguration when the President and his family repeatedly flashed the sign. US media brushed aside the matter, saying it was in the context of supporting UT Longhorns. However, Europeans were shocked and interpreted the gesture as a salute to Satan.
This still of Robertson flashing the signal. Click here for a video montage of the show, which includes Roberts’ comments on biometric finger scanning to enter schools and the big brother society, an issue we will explore later.
Robertson talks about feeling heat and fire and utters ‘Jesus’ under his breath moments before he flashes the sign. This is in the context of Robertson trying to relay power from ‘his God’ to heal his supporters’ physical ailments.
First of all it is necessary to remind ourselves of Robertson’s previous decidedly un-Christian activities.
In April 2001 Robertson supported China’s brutal policy of forced abortion and said that the Communist country was “doing what they have to do” in keeping population numbers down. It is not Christian to advocate even voluntary abortion on the part of the mother, never mind such a tyrannical model of forced abortion as part of a wider eugenics agenda.
Whenever the subject of implantable chips has been raised on the 700 Club, Robertson has whitewashed the issue, saying that it doesn’t represent the mark of the beast and that Christians should not be concerned about it. This directly contradicts the Bible and Revelations.
Earlier this year Robertson caused waves when he advocated the assassination of Venezuelan populist president Hugo Chavez. In doing so Robertson is nailing his colors to the wall as a firm minion of the New World Order. Chavez has rallied against the Globalists at every turn, including his recent spat with Vincente Fox and his rejection of the FTAA.
Returning to the El Diablo hand gesture, should it worry us that other Christian preachers have also been photographed flashing the sign? Texe Marrs has been instrumental in bringing this to light and some examples from his book Codex Magica can be seen below.
The gesture was embraced by Satanic cults and the Church of Satan’s leader Anton Lavay as seen below.
A collage of other examples of politicians and media personalities flashing the symbol can be found on this page.
We do not claim that every example is evidence that the person worships Satan but there is enough material to indicate that something very disturbing is taking place.
Even if you don’t believe in good and evil or God and Satan, the elitists do. Bohemian Grove and Skull and Bones are proof that the elite think that engaging in occult practices enhances their power. We did not set out to connect the occult with the Globalists’ overall agenda, it just seems that they converge every time we look at it.
Experts in the occult have come to the conclusion that flashing the El Diablo sign is an attempt on the part of the individual to draw further power from ‘their God’ because the Globalists are losing their influence over world events and the natural yearning for truth and liberty is stalling their agenda.
Here is another photo of Pat Robertson giving an occult gesture, this time the Masonic Sign of Fellow Craft, or the Devil’s Claw, in a front page photo shoot for Time Magazine on February 17th 1986.
We will now move on to discuss Robertson’s comments on big brother and the surveillance society.
Even if you disbelieve all the evidence about hand gestures and occultism, Robertson’s advocacy of a high tech slave grid should have everyone worried.
Robertson is asked for his response to a mother who is concerned about her child’s school instituting biometric finger scanners. Robertson states,
“Like it or not big brother is on your case all the time and we’re gonna have our eyes, the iris scanned, all kinds of things these days for identification to make sure you’re not some bad guy with a bomb.”
“I really don’t think that that’s terribly intrusive to have somebody have a scan of their finger anymore than it is to ask for fingerprints.”
“I don’t think you’d have much success in convincing anybody that was too much intrusion.”
Since when did we all become criminals, guilty until proven innocent? Since when did children have to scan their finger like felons to enter their school?
How is an action that is associated with criminals not an intrusion?
If Jesus had lived in an age of technology should he have been made to finger scan to kick the money changers out of the temple? It wouldn’t have happened because Jesus would have been treated like one of those “bad guys with a bomb.”
Robertson’s agenda is clear, he is trying to switch off the concerns of mainstream Christian America to the expanding Orwellian surveillance society. Robertson directly contradicts the Bible and every commonly understood Christian value.
Robertson misrepresents the very ethic of what it means to be a Christian. This only succeeds in demonizing Christianity as a whole and turning people away from faith.
Christians should take a long hard considered look at Robertson’s penchant for flashing Satanic symbology and support of forced abortion. Non-Christians should be alarmed by his bloodthirsty willingness to kill and his total disregard of the bill of rights, privacy and freedom in America.
We are deeply concerned about the whole gannet of Robertson’s actions and will continue to expose him for the fake Pharisee Christian, George Bush New World Order worshiping, arrogant hypocrite that he is.
More Christian Signing in Part 2
If you go to the store to buy Meat, don't run to the Milk section or the Junk Food aisle looking for it!!
The Meat Section is the True Gospel of Jesus Christ.
The Milk Section is likened to those who will not preach on sin and Hell, just a feel good message, the Social gospel.
The Junk Food Isle is the outright false doctrine AKA the prosperity gospel, name it and claim it, the Hebraic Roots movement and other false teachings!!
Feasting on just Milk and Junk will eventually cause you great harm, you can count on it!!
If you appreciate what this Ministry is doing to Expose the Fake Christians, Satanists, Witches, Communist/Socialist Democrats, R.I.N.O Republicans and the assault on our Conservative, True Christian values, please consider a small donation to help us continue and expand. This Ministry is not only under attack by the Enemy, we are now under attack from supposed Christians also. It is what Tom Horn calls 'Blood on the Altar"!