Five Men Murdered Two Decapitated and Hearts Ripped out in Cancun, Mexico

Translated by Otis B Fly-Wheel for Borderland Beat from Noreste article

Reporter: Sipse – A couple of blocks away and close to the facilities of the General State Prosecutor’s Office (FGE) was left a gray Mazda vehicle with five bodies, all male, who were tortured to death, two were decapitated and their hearts were ripped out, their heads were found in a bag inside the same vehicle, their hearts had been shoved into their mouths, then their mouths were sewn closed with wire, one of the bodies had the Z-shaped skin removed. Hours later, Human remains were located in Region 249, apparently corresponding to the torso that was found last Monday.

At 3 o’clock, the first report on several dead bodies was received Supermanzana 43, on Kabah Avenue, but the police corporations found nothing, despite traveling the entire area.

It was until 6:50 am, when the 911 emergency number reported to the police and emergency units that there were several apparently lifeless people inside a vehicle, in a vehicle that was on Kabah Avenue, between Del Street Forest and Oak.

The first respondents were elements of the Municipal Police, then paramedics from the Red Cross arrived, who only corroborated that inside the vehicle there were several dead bodies.

The area was cordoned off by municipal elements, who no longer allowed the paramedics to open the vehicle, the uniformed ones requested the intervention of experts and ministerials of the FGE.

The staff of the Office of the Prosecutor came immediately to the location, after corroborating that there were several bodies, they decided to request a tow truck to tow the vehicle to the facilities of the Forensic Medical Service (Semefo).

According to official information, inside the vehicle there were five bodies, one in the back seat and the rest in sacks in the trunk.

They also found pieces of wood with blood stains, also in a plastic sack were found bloodied dog chains.

One of the subjects was about 30 years old, of thin build, about 1.65 centimeters in height, he was handcuffed with gray industrial tape, his eyes were blindfolded with a black cloth, his head was covered with a plastic bag. Around the neck was a tourniquet cable, apparently he was strangled.

Another of the deceased, was of robust build, dark complexion, about 40 years old, 1.65 in height, had a tattoo of a cobra on the left arm, wore blue shirt and black denim trousers, was tied feet and hands with gray industrial tape, also had a bag on his head, was blindfolded.

These two bodies were found with sanitary towels in their mouths, both had blows to various parts of the body.

The assassins were more cruel in torture with the third and fourth bodies, both were in sacks and had a piece of wood in the rectum, they opened their chest and ripped their hearts, they removed skin to form a Z on their chest and they were decapitated.

The experts found in another sack the heads of the two, with their hearts in their mouths, sewed with wire. Both were tied with industrial tape of the hands and feet.

One of them was of robust constitution, dark complexion, of 1.70 of stature, of between 30 to 35 years, had a tattoo in the torso with the legend of “Sheyla” and in the right shoulder a religious image. The other subject was thin, had a tattoo on the chest with the word “I love you” and another on the right arm with the figure of a face.

The last body was strangled, had a cable around the neck, had a blow to the head, which was covered with a plastic bag, was of robust build, dark complexion, 1.70 centimeters tall, wore a Bermuda checkered shirt .

On the other hand, at 11 o’clock, the discovery of human remains was reported in a green area, in front of the Cielo Azul subdivision, in Region 249, on Lakin Avenue, about 100 meters from the Vial Arch.

The emergency number 911 received the report on the discovery of human remains, which were about 50 meters from the aforementioned avenue.

The first police report indicated that they were in bags and apparently it was the rest of the body of the torso that was found last Monday in the same area. The remains were already in an advanced state of putrefaction, they were transferred to the Semefo for the corresponding procedures.

If you go to the store to buy Meat, don't run to the Milk section or the Junk Food aisle looking for it!!

The Meat Section is the True Gospel of Jesus Christ.

The Milk Section is likened to those who will not preach on sin and Hell, just a feel good message, the Social gospel.

The Junk Food Isle is the outright false doctrine AKA the prosperity gospel, name it and claim it, the Hebraic Roots movement and other false teachings!!

Feasting on just Milk and Junk will eventually cause you great harm, you can count on it!!
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