Demon Possessed Tranny Shooter Resented Attending Nashville Christian School

Nashville school shooter Audrey Hale may have been driven to kill by “resentment,” according to the city’s top cop. Yea she was driven by resentment alright! The Demons that possessed her made her do it. They also made her to believe she was a man! Police have said Hale was a former student at The … Click Here to Read more

SatanCon 2023: Supposed to Be the Largest Satanic Gathering in History

Just a bunch of Communist/Anarchist LGBTQPXYZ Punks gathering to do dope and spread S.T.D’s! 2nd Corinthians 11:14-15 “And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. 15 Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their … Click Here to Read more

The Wicked World of Disney’s Hocus Pocus 2: Normalizing Satanism, Witchcraft and Cannibalism

There’s Something Terribly Wrong With Disney’s “Hocus Pocus 2” Disney’s “Hocus Pocus 2” is a complete reversal of the original 1993 movie “Hocus Pocus”. In the original, the devil-worshipping, child-eating witches are the villains. In “Hocus Pocus 2”, they are celebrated as empowered women … even if they keep wanting to LURE AND EAT CHILDREN. … Click Here to Read more

The Suomen Sisu Symbol Meaning

This is a work In Progress so check back every couple days for updates   When you go hunting rabbits, you are usually led down several trails, or at least the rabbit dog is. If it is a really good trained hound, it will stick to just that one rabbit it is chasing. Then you … Click Here to Read more

Highland Park Killer Is A Deranged Occultist And Closeted Tranny

The Luciferians chose Heavily Gun Controlled, Democrat Run Chicago (Shitcago) to loose a Mind Controlled Lunatic to further their agenda!! There were a total of 71 shot, mostly Black on Black, in Lesbian Lunatic Lightfoot’s Chicago: At Least 71 Shot Over July 4th Weekend  See a list of Democrat Scum that has their roots in … Click Here to Read more

Lucifers Minions Are Being Manipulated Into Sacrificing Their Own Children

Luke 17:2 “It were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he cast into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones.” The US Government is urging its constituents to give their children a vaccine known to maim and kill And make NO MISTAKE, it IS … Click Here to Read more

More Than One Thousand Two Hundred Medical Conditions CAUSED by The Luciferians Kill Shot!

It is NOT a Vaccine if you don’t already know! It is meant to alter your DNA and make you into a TransHuman! To Save the Planet, Kill 90 Percent of People Off, Says UT Ecologist CHD Says Pfizer and FDA Dropped Data Bombshell on COVID Vaccine Consumers In this video a Bayer Executive Brags … Click Here to Read more

Necrophilist Colby Martin killed a 64-year-old Woman to Perform Sex Acts with Her Body

Driver Killed Retired Michigan Woman for Sex Acts with Body Necrophilia is a pathological fascination with dead bodies, which often takes the form of a desire to engage with them in sexual activities, such as intercourse. Though prohibited by the laws of many countries, there have been many reported cases of necrophilia throughout history. Source … Click Here to Read more

Satanic Temple Breeder Whore Jex Blackmore Takes Abortion Pill on Live TV

It seems the news will not tell you that this Evil Jezebel is a Satanist! I guess Fox 2 Detroit loves Child Sacrifice just as much as the Satanists do!!! Abortion rights activist Jex Blackmore claims to take mail-order abortion pill live on TV: “I want to show you how easy it is & safe … Click Here to Read more

Is The Largest Experiment On Human Beings In History A Failure?

The world is one BIG Laboratory for the Mad Luciferian Scientists! This “Experiment” is NOT a failure. It IS killing Millions. It is a failure in that they want Billions, perhaps Trillions to die. They won’t stop until the LORD Stops them!!! The Luciferian’s Are Not Happy: The Poison JAB Is NOT Killing Off the … Click Here to Read more

The Omicron Connection to Witchcraft Satanism and Pharmaceuticals

Pharmakia or Pharmakeia means Witchcraft and Sorceries Strongs Number G5331 Galatians 5:20 “Witchcraft”- Revelation 9:21 “Sorceries” – Revelation 18:23 “Sorceries” In 1963 the Italian film Omicron was released. It was about an Alien taking over a persons body to recon the planet for a future invasion! DEMON POSSESSION! It was produced by LUX Films which … Click Here to Read more