Mitt Romney

Updates: Mormon Mitt is running for Senate in 2018 and ‘Not Willing to Say’ He Endorses Trump in 2020

Why is Mitt Romney sticking his Mormon nose into the mix for President 2016?

Revelation 6:2 “And I saw, and behold a white horse: and he that sat on him had a bow; and a crown was given unto him: and he went forth conquering, and to conquer.”

Jon Watkins Exposing Satanism June 11, 2016

Revelation 6:2 should not be confused with Jesus returning on a White Horse at the battle of Armageddon in Revelation 19:11-21 Chapter 6:2 is symbolic of the anti-Christ who is the counterfeiter of Jesus, who God will allow free reign during the tribulation. This is where the Mormon prophecy comes from and it fits Mitt Romney well. He IS an anti-Christ as ALL Mormons are!

Eyes on Romney’s Summit to see if ‘Statesman’ (Devil IMHO) joins the Race

  • NewsMax June 8 – On Thursday, Romney is set to kick off the three-day E2 Summit in Park City, an annual gathering of influential political and business leaders who debate the political situation in the country.Romney has been urged by several GOP pundits to help stabilize the party by running as a third-party spoiler to Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. The former Massachusetts governor has said he is not interested, but is said to be keeping close tabs on the intensifying race. See the rest of the article here.

This shill, this hand picked looser, along with Satanist Paul Ryan were placed to run in 2012 to ensure that Barack (the Muslim) Obama would be the next president. Once again, this White Horse Candidate will be injected into the race perhaps to assure that Comrade Clinton will be elected. I am sure that operatives on both sides have their minions in the meetings with this hound of Hell along with brief cases full of George Soros dirty money! But that is only part of the scheme. This Luciferian believes he is anointed of God because of a Mormon Prophecy.

More shocking info and predictions have been revealed in Tom Horn and Cris Putnams new book “THE FINAL ROMAN EMPEROR, THE ISLAMIC ANTICHRIST, AND THE VATICAN S LAST CRUSADE” All of this is leading to a One World Religion. The players are all vying for their position on the court and you had better get your head out of your, the Sand, and pay attention to what is happening!

This following is excerpted from Biblical World View who excerpts Tom Horns book Zenith 2016. (Excellent book BTW)

“There is a Mormon prophecy ascribed to Joseph Smith, the founder of Mormonism, called the White Horse Prophecy and is so named for the White Horse in the Book of Revelation (Smith allegedly received the divination in 1843). It predicts a time when the U.S. Constitution will be in crisis only to saved by a LDS (Latter Day Saints) member or a Mormon. If Mitt Romney should run again in 2016, the White Horse prophecy allegedly made by Joseph Smith could have a way of coming to pass”.

“According to Mormon and secular history, after the Mormon’s were expelled from Missouri, in 1838 Joseph Smith, the Mormon prophet made his way to Washington, D.C., to make an appeal to the government for redress of wrongs suffered in Missouri. Judge Elias Higbee traveled with him and there they were met by leading statesman of the United States including, Henry Clay, John C. Calhoun, President Martin Van Buren, different members of the Cabinet, Senators and Representatives. After hearing their grievances, Van Buren admitted their cause was just, but was afraid to do anything for fear of losing the vote in Missouri. Smith was livid and pronounced divine judgments against the United States government. Mormon historian, Marvin S. Hill, wrote that ‘To secure legal sanction for his call to arms, Smith petitioned Congress to form Nauvoo [a small city established by early Mormons in Hancock County, Illinois, along a bend in the Mississippi River] into a federal district and grant him authority to command federal troops in defense of the city. He warned his close friends in the Nauvoo City Council that if Congress did not hear the petition, and grant them protection, the United States would be broken up as a government and God would damn them and there would be nothing left of them – not even a greasy spot. About four years later, Smith gave another prophecy that there would come a day when the U.S. Constitution would hang by a thread and barely be preserved and saved by a rider on a White Horse and a representative of the Mormon Church”.

“The White Horse prophecy was not given in a public forum so its origin is debated as to its authenticity. However, two Mormons, Edwin Rushton and Theodore Turley claimed they wrote it down as Smith delivered the prophecy at his home in May, 1843. The following year, Smith would run as an independent candidate against James Polk and Whig Henry Clay for president of the United States. Smith advocated the overthrow of the U.S. government to be replaced by a Mormon-led theocracy with himself as the leader of the army of God. His hopes were cut short when he and his brother, Hyrum were attacked and killed by a mob. While the White Horse prophecy Smith gave (which also of contemporary interest, states that the two Popes, Greek and Catholic, will come together and be united) is not the belief of all Mormons, it has been in part, repeatedly affirmed as being genuine in general conference messages, including in October 1918, when the 6th LDS president, Joseph E. Smith (not the founder of Mormonism), said that Joseph Smith, the prophet, …predicted that the time would come when the Constitution of our country would hang as it were by a thread and that the LDS above all other people would come to the rescue of that great and glorious palladium of our liberty”.

“Other famous Mormons have also spoken in favor of the White Horse Prophecy: ‘Brigham Young in 1855 and 1868; Apostle J. Reuben Clark in 1942; Mormon Apostle Ezra Taft Benson in 1961, who later became the 13th president of the LDS. Benson said the Lord told Prophet Smith there would be an attempt to overthrow the country by destroying the Constitution, but at that time ‘this people’ will step forth and save it from threatened destruction; again in 1963 Benson told the Mormon conference that for the past 30 years, Modern-Day Mormon prophets have been warning we were rapidly moving in that direction. He went on to say the Prophet Joseph Smith saw the part the elders of Israel (Mormons) would play in this crisis and that some Mormons won’t care about saving the Constitution, others will be blinded by the craftiness of men, and some knowingly will work to destroy it. He concluded by repeating the Biblical refrain, ‘He that has ears to hear and eyes to see’ can discern by the Spirit and through the words of God’s mouthpiece that our liberties are being taken'”.

“Mormons throughout history have held to the White Horse Prophecy of a Constitutional crisis and its salvation by a Mormon to be true. In more recent years, Utah Senator, Orin Hatch, a Mormon, made a reference to the WHP in his 2000 bid for the presidency saying, ‘I’ve never seen it worse than this, where our Constitution literally is hanging by a thread’ and talk show host, Glenn Beck, mentioned ‘the hang by a thread’ portion of the WHP when he was on the Bill O’Reilly show on November 14, 2008”.

“According to Thomas Horn in his book, Zenith 2016, which is the basis of this article, ‘The clock is ticking down toward 2016 when some expect a constitutional crisis to unfold right in time for a Mormon savior to appear on his white horse . Romney has already made his 2016 presidential ambitions public (even though he denies he will run- emphasis mine), and he just isn’t any Mormon. He is the miracle baby of a woman who was told by her doctor she could never bear a fourth child. Born anyway in 1947, he became the star-child of George W. Romney, the most prominent Mormon in American politics (as governor of Michigan) and a seventh-generation direct descendent of Parley Parker Pratt, Sr., one of Mormonism’s founding twelve apostles. Named after the close family friend, John Willard Marriott (one of the riches Mormons in history), Romney received his patriarchal blessings at 19 years of age and was told by the Church that the Lord expected great things from him. Shortly thereafter, while helping his mother (Lenore Romney) in the 1970 campaign against Democrat Phillip A. Hart in the Michigan general election, ‘Mitt’ Romney–as he then began to be called and whose name can be made to equal 666–began hearing prophetic insinuations about his future role as a national leader. This included whispers among Mormons about the White Horse Prophecy…”

“Though Romney downplays the WHP whenever raised by the media, ‘he is aware that fellow students at BYU not only idolized him as the ‘alpha male’ of their fraternity, but commonly referred to him as ‘the One Mighty and Strong–a direct line from the prophecy of Joseph Smith, Jr., the founder of the LDS. This grandiose and prophetic title is taken from Isaiah 28:2, ‘The Lord hath a mighty and strong one, which as a tempest of hail and a destroying storm, as a flood of mighty waters overflowing, shall cast down to the earth with the hand.’ Smith predicted this Mighty and Strong One would not only save the Constitution, but use his political office to bring about the ‘inheritance of the LDS.’ What that implies could be of significance for the future of the United States according to former candidate for Nevada governor and television newsman, Mike Moody”.

“Moody was a personal friend of Romney and a member of the prestigious Cougar Club at Brigham Young University that held Romney in such high prophetic esteem. In his memoir, Mitt-Set My People Free, he describes how the WHP motivated him to to seek a career in government and politics because he believed that he and other Mormons were being divinely directed to expand the Mormon kingdom by helping Romney –whom he says is under a sacred blood-oath to the Mormon Church to actually replace the US Constitution –to advance the goal of a one-world government under Mormon paternalistic priesthood and the ‘political Kingdom of God and Joseph Smith’s version of the Millennial Kingdom on Earth.’ He further said that America is the Promised Land and told the author of Zenith 2016, Tom Horn, that the Mormons believe they are the Chosen People and the time has come for a Mormon leader to usher in the second coming of Christ and a political Kingdom of God in Washington, D.C.”

In Zenith 2016, Horn says ‘Whether it be Mitt Romney or another LDS member, the chances of a Mormon American president in 2016 is stronger than many think as this religion –once widely held as a cult (and it is, emphasis mine) –is among the fastest growing in the world. What makes this prophetically interesting in light of the larger scope of Zenith 2016 and the occultist dream of a defied man in the role of a national leader (the second coming of Apollo) is how perfectly fitting Mormon theology balances with scriptural revelations concerning the arrival of the Antichrist. As with Joseph Smith’s prophecy, the Man of Sin will ride in on a White Horse (Revelation 6:2), having preexisted before the coming again in a body of flesh (Revelation 17:8). He will be a god-man, as Mormonism aspires to, and the embodiment of Jesus’ bad-boy brother, the Devil. Yes, despite the flack presidential candidate Mike Huckabee took in 2007 for asking the question–members of the LDS do believe Jesus and Satan are brothers and you can read this for yourself on the LDS website in chapter 3 of their ‘Gospel Principles’ (I have read that – emphasis mine). Mike Moody adds, ‘Mormons were taught as children that Lucifer is our big brother–the second born after Jesus– who presented God the Father with an earthly plan to force humanity into righteousness and mandatory salvation. In response, Jesus countered with His plan of ‘free agency’, which our Heavenly Father accepted for His spirit children over [the other son] Lucifer’s plan. Mormonism even provides for the post-human technology known as ‘transhumanism’ that some believe is necessary to incarnate the ‘Lord’s brother’ as the end-times Man of Sin, and a Mormon Transhumanist Association exists to syncretize LDS religion with these gods”. Source: Zenith 2016, by Tom Horn, pages 406-414.

Back in 2012 the Liberal God haters at Salon did a good exposé on the Mormons. Romney and the White Horse Prophecy – A close look at the roots of Romney’s — and the Mormon church’s — political ambitions by Sally Denton. Of course, Mormons have nothing to do with real Christianity or the real Gospel of Jesus Christ so they did not rip him to shreds. Birds of a feather usually don’t attack each other unless they see a bit of blood. When they do the feeding frenzy is on!

So, it now looks as of June 2016 that this Mormon with delusions of godhood may be attempting to either foil Donald Trumps bid and get Comrade Clinton elected, or he just may think he is the savior of America…… we shall see!

If you go to the store to buy Meat, don't run to the Milk section or the Junk Food aisle looking for it!!

The Meat Section is the True Gospel of Jesus Christ.

The Milk Section is likened to those who will not preach on sin and Hell, just a feel good message, the Social gospel.

The Junk Food Isle is the outright false doctrine AKA the prosperity gospel, name it and claim it, the Hebraic Roots movement and other false teachings!!

Feasting on just Milk and Junk will eventually cause you great harm, you can count on it!!
If you appreciate what this Ministry is doing to Expose the Fake Christians, Satanists, Witches, Communist/Socialist Democrats, R.I.N.O Republicans and the assault on our Conservative, True Christian values, please consider a small donation to help us continue and expand. This Ministry is not only under attack by the Enemy, we are now under attack from supposed Christians also. It is what Tom Horn calls 'Blood on the Altar"!