The United Nations Erects an Idol That Resembles The Beast Described in the Bible!

A statue, an IDOL,  with the likeness of a Beast in the Books of Daniel, and Revelation, has been erected outside the United Nations headquarters in New York City. The statue, entitled the ‘guardian for international peace and security, is prominently placed on the Visitor’s Plaza outside UN Headquarters. According to the UN, the ‘guardian’ … Click Here to Read more

Chatty Gargoyle announces Denver International Airport is Illuminati Headquarters

It is very important that you go read this article I wrote back in 2015 that deals with Gargoyles. Secretive World of Bio-Defense Research They are not mythical creatures, they are the Fallen Angels of which the Bible speaks! Once Again, Denver International Airport Throws The Illuminati In Our Faces: ‘Chatty Gargoyle’ Announces DIA Is … Click Here to Read more

Huge ancient dragon, griffin megaliths found in Siberia

Created by mysterious culture previously unknown International Business Times – At the heart of the Altai Mountains in Russia, a mysterious ancient culture has created megaliths in shape of mythical creatures – a dragon and a griffin. Russian archaeologist Ruslan Posyolkov discovered the impressive structures in 2013 while surveying mountains, the Siberian Times reports. He … Click Here to Read more

Who is Watching the Watchers? The Secretive World of Bio-Defense Research

Who is watching over and assisting the Protectors, the Guardians? USA Today – WASHINGTON — “The Pentagon’s most secure laboratories may have mislabeled, improperly stored and shipped samples of potentially infectious plague bacteria, which can cause several deadly forms of disease, USA TODAY has learned.” See the entire article here and pay special attention to … Click Here to Read more