Aleister Crowley Black Magician Dubbed The Beast

The “Greatest” Magician of the 20th Century? — by Wes Penre, Dec 29, 1998 Aleister Crowley is probably the Black Magician who is the most popular foreground figure in Hollywood and the Music Industry today. He is considered being the one who “invented” backward messages on music recordings (used by The Beatles, Led Zeppelin and … Click Here to Read more

The United Nations Erects an Idol That Resembles The Beast Described in the Bible!

A statue, an IDOL,  with the likeness of a Beast in the Books of Daniel, and Revelation, has been erected outside the United Nations headquarters in New York City. The statue, entitled the ‘guardian for international peace and security, is prominently placed on the Visitor’s Plaza outside UN Headquarters. According to the UN, the ‘guardian’ … Click Here to Read more

Aleister Crowley’s Old Residence Burns Down

New fire in Crowley’s Boleskine exposes a plan by the O.T.O. and the British Intelligence to establish the ultimate Satanic Temple in Scotland Leo Zagami – Another fire has destroyed  in Scotland that was damaged in a previous mysterious fire in 2015. The Scottish Fire and Rescue Service said the alarm was raised shortly before … Click Here to Read more

Who is Watching the Watchers? The Secretive World of Bio-Defense Research

Who is watching over and assisting the Protectors, the Guardians? USA Today – WASHINGTON — “The Pentagon’s most secure laboratories may have mislabeled, improperly stored and shipped samples of potentially infectious plague bacteria, which can cause several deadly forms of disease, USA TODAY has learned.” See the entire article here and pay special attention to … Click Here to Read more