Demon Possessed Homeless Woman has Fetish for Spitting on, Hissing and Yelling at Children

“She mainly spits on children, while also hissing and yelling at them.”

Matthew 18:6 “But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.”

Cropped Image by R. Umar Abbasi from New York Post

New York PostA homeless woman who has been spitting on Upper East Side residents was carrying more than $19,133 in cash on her when she was arrested Thursday for allegedly attacking a child, sources said.

Hilda Barrion (66 yrs old!)— nicknamed “The Spitting Lady of 77th Street” — was picked up around 7 a.m. on East 78th Street and told officers she had amassed her fortune by collecting bottles and cans, the sources said.

Her fortune was broken down into 182 $100 bills, 11 $50s, 12 $20s, eight $10s, eight $5s and 23 $1s, the sources said. At 5 cents a pop, it would take the Argentina native collecting 382,660 bottles and cans to arrive at $19,133. Source: New York Post

The Police nor the reporters give a reason for her bizarre behavior but I can assure you she is Demon Possessed.

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