Cannibal like Somali ‘Refugee’ Terrorizes Citizens in Faribault, Minnesota

I say “ Cannibal like” because thanks to a real man who restrained the nut, he could have killed someone and started eating them!

There is also an interesting tid-bit of revealing news in this article. Catholic Charities and Lutheran Social Services resettle the majority of Somalis in Minnesota, working as contractors for the U.S. State Department.”

So that means the Catholic’s and Lutheran’s, both Synagogues of Satan, are working hand in hand with the Devils in the government bringing in Muslims to destroy America!

Why are the leftists not out screaming separation of church and state? I will tell you why? It is not the Gospel of Jesus Christ and is no threat at all to the kingdom of darkness. In fact, these “religious” entities and helping Satan’s kingdom grow and flourish!

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