The Wicked World of Disney’s Hocus Pocus 2: Normalizing Satanism, Witchcraft and Cannibalism

There’s Something Terribly Wrong With Disney’s “Hocus Pocus 2” Disney’s “Hocus Pocus 2” is a complete reversal of the original 1993 movie “Hocus Pocus”. In the original, the devil-worshipping, child-eating witches are the villains. In “Hocus Pocus 2”, they are celebrated as empowered women … even if they keep wanting to LURE AND EAT CHILDREN. … Click Here to Read more

Normalizing Insanity: Cannibalism is Once Again Being Pushed by the Main Stream Media and the Lunatics in the Green Movement

Mainstream media persuading the public to normalize cannibalism and eat each other. 2nd Kings 6:25-29 “And there was a great famine in Samaria: and, behold, they besieged it, until an ass’s head was sold for fourscore pieces of silver, and the fourth part of a cab of dove’s dung for five pieces of silver. 26 … Click Here to Read more

Cannibalism taking hold in Southern California

Leo Zagami  – Few topics cause more intense feelings of revulsion than cannibalism, and rightly so. The consumption of human flesh has always been considered abhorrent, vile, and to most, morally wrong. However, a Swedish scientist speaking at a Stockholm summit of libtards and local Illuminati last week offered cannibalism as a possible tactic to … Click Here to Read more

UN Congo Report: Mass Rape, Cannibalism and Vampirism

It makes me want to Vomit when I see the Clowns (Liberals, Progressives, Socialists and Communists) who are protesting about Children and parents being separated at the US border, which are half truths propagated by the Fake News Networks and the Communist Democrat Cult Members. THE MAJORITY of those people are mere Pawns being used … Click Here to Read more

Cannibalism: An Initiation Ritual into a Mexican Drug Cartel

Cannibalism, the possible initiation challenge of young people to the CJNG There is a disturbing uptick in the stories of Cannibalism and Human Sacrifice in the last couple of years. The bulk of it I have seen seems to be coming from South and Central America, Mexico, and the South Western part of the United … Click Here to Read more

Edible Brother: First Cannibalism Restaurant in the World opens in Japan

Jeremiah 19:9 “And I will cause them to eat the flesh of their sons and the flesh of their daughters, and they shall eat every one the flesh of his friend in the siege and straitness, wherewith their enemies, and they that seek their lives, shall straiten them.” This story is REAL. A website that … Click Here to Read more

TV Series Glorifies Cannibalism / “Spirit Cooking”

New show seems to justify killing conservatives This ties in with Hillary Clinton’s Witchcraft also Millie Weaver discusses the new Netflix series, “The Santa Clarita Diet”, which blatantly promotes cannibalism while at the same time promoting what appears to be killing white males and people that could be construed as “Nazis”.

ISIS training handbook reveals Jihadists being taught Cannibalism, to EAT their Enemies!

The following is NOT for the weak. I post this because it is a growing problem around the world. It is NOT just in Islam. Involvement in Satanism, Witchcraft and the consumption of mind altering drugs has created a depraved society. Complied from many sources: A secret handbook has been discovered by Brit-based think-tank Quilliam Foundation … Click Here to Read more