Anti-Christ Identity

The Identity of the Antichrist

by Arthur Jason – They have nixed Jason’s website and until I find where his new one is I can’t provide a link.

Because of the many misconceptions among Christians about the identity of the Antichrist, I’ve decided to shed more light on the identity of the Antichrist in order to present a clearer picture of what the Antichrist represents.

1st of all Let us take a close look at the meaning of the word: “Anti Christ”

Anti: Against

Christ: The Messiah

From the above we can deduce that the Antichrist is simply someone or something that is against Christ and what he represents.

The word “Antichrist” can only be found in the 1st and 2nd books of John. Let us examine some of the verses that the word is found to have a clearer picture of what John meant when he wrote about the Antichrist.

-1 John 2:18-19:“Little Children it is the last time and as ye have heard that antichrist shall come, even now there are many antichrists; whereby You know it is the last time. They( The antichrists) went out from us but they were not of us, for if they had been of us, they would no doubt have continued with us but they went out that they might be made manifest that they were not of us.

The Anti Christ is Synonymous with the Anti Christ’s
In the above verse, John stated that “an antichrist” was to come at the last time and that at the time he was writing there were:” many antichrists” and that the fact that there were many antichrists proved it was the last time. We can deduce from this that the Antichrist and the antichrists are synonymous because John specifically stated the fact that an antichrist was to come at the last time and that the fact that there were antichrists in his time was evidence that it was the last time .

Also, John states that the antichrists went out from them (the true Christians) and that if they were true Christians they would have continued with them but they went out in order for their true state to be manifest to all. That they were never Christians. So who does the anti Christ and these antichrists represent?

For the answer to that question, I would want us to explore more Bible verses:

The Anti Christ’s

1 John 2:22:”Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist that denieth the father and the son.

From the verse above we can see that any one who denies God and Jesus is an antichrist. Now the question is how do we deny God and Jesus? We deny God when we do not adhere to his teachings.We deny Jesus when we reject his Cross and emphasize on works (Phil 3:18-19 Gal 2:21).

There are millions of nominal Christians around the world today who are anything but Christian. They reject the cross of Christ and instead emphasize works (Romans 4:4-5)They wear religious garbs but inwardly they are are unregenerate (Is 30:1,Matt 23:28).

They emphasize prosperity of the body instead of prosperity of the soul and glory in the works of the flesh instead of the cross of Christ (Gal 6:12-14,Matt 13:22).From the definition of antichrist above, these people are antichrists because they are against what Christ represents: Righteousness self denial etc and when they act like this they deny the God they profess to serve because they reject his Path to salvation: Jesus Christ.

The Anti Christ:
-1 John 4:3-4:“And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is “that spirit of antichrist” whereof ye have heard that it should come,and ‘even now’is it ‘in the world’. Ye are of God and have overcome them for greater is he that is in You than he that is in the world”.

From the verses above we can see that “every spirit” that confesses not that Jesus is come in the flesh is not of God but is the” spirit of the antichrist” which John claimed was already “in the world” at His time:It also goes on to say that greater is the person that is in the church than the person who is in the world.

I think the verses are self explanatory but I will still try to explain a bit further to make them clearer. The Bible is clear that the antichrist is a spirit. It says every spirit that doesn’t confess Jesus is in the flesh is not of God. In other words, Every Spirit that doesn’t show that Jesus resides in a person (the flesh), Every spirit that negates What Christ represents is antichrist. It also goes on to say that the antichrist is “in the world”: Why do You think the world is lawless and rebellious against God? It is because of the spirit of rebellion (anti Christ spirit) that indwells humanity and thus makes them antichrists. But to all those who have put on the image of the New man :Jesus Christ by accepting him into their hearts (Col 3:10)John had this to say:” Greater is He who is in You (The Holy spirit) Than he that is in the world” (spirit of rebellion: antichrist)

The antichrist is the rebellious and sinful image that indwells humanity (remember John specifically said it was already in the world) and pits them against their maker (makes them antichrists). It is the spirit of Satan that empowers this cursed image (The same way the Spirit of Christ empowers the image of God in His church)

In the so called ‘church’ this spirit manifests as false teachings. Doctrines that exalt the self instead of the savior. Teachings that promote self enhancement instead of self denial. It also manifests as false miracles and lying wonders in order to delude people into accepting this antichrist spirit as the real Christ. That is why Jesus said that in the end times, Many would come in my name saying:’ I am Christ’ and deceive many (Matt 24:5).Notice that these people come as Christians (in Christ’s name), but yet they deceive many. How do they accomplish this: By fooling people (twisting scripture to conform to their antichrist desires 2 Pet 2:1,2 Pet 3:16) to accept antichrist tendencies as being Christ’s. Also, Jesus said that the deception would be so great that if it were possible the elect would be deceived (Matt 24:24).It goes to show You how strong the deception would be.

Many people would teach things in Jesus name, Quote the Bible, pray in Jesus names ,perform miracles, Give alms, Pay tithes advocate legalistic ‘works’ of self-effort and perfectionist performance and piety. But it would negate Christ’s Finished work on the Cross and exalt self works. And that is what makes it Antichrist.

The Bible says that the Antichrists went out of the true Christians (departed from the true faith).’ Christianity’ in its form today has departed from the true faith and is now a man made institution of works and self centered doctrines. It is founded on man made doctrines. And that is the reason why we have divisions: Anglicans are built on what the Anglicans deem is good, Catholics are built on what Catholics feel is godly, Pentecostals are built on what they feel is of God etc. and that is also the reason why there is an abundance of false teaching in the church today :Because it is built on what the people feel is good not on Christ:

As a result of all this, We see so called Christians Today condoning things clearly forbidden by God: Homosexuality, Greed, Attachment to mundane things etc.
As True followers of Christ we should be built on Christ not on man made institutions and doctrines. Jesus didn’t come to make You Baptist or Episcopalian. He came to regenerate You to bear his image and reconcile You to Your maker.

Also, these days so called Christians are more drawn to their so called pastors and prophets than they are to Jesus. They are like babies that never want to grow up. they do not want to search out scriptures for themselves. They want to remain reliant on the so called clergy. Any problem they have is taken to the ‘powerful’ man of God instead of Jesus. These practices are not representative of Jesus Christ but are Antichrist.

It is because of the fact that many of Gods children still think that Satan’s Antichrist system is of God the Bible says in Rev 18:4:”:…Come out of her (Babylon), my people Gods people), that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues”. Many of Gods people (Zion) Have been fooled to accept Babylon (system of the antichrist) as ideal. They are fooled by the fact that the prophets of Babylon use Jesus name in all they do. But what many of Gods people are ignorant of is that God cannot be found in the walls of the buildings they go to every Sunday: They are ignorant of the fact that true Christians meet as a church and not in a church: Irrespective of where Christians meet they are collectively the church of Christ on earth.

The minute people realize that they are Gods church (Body) on earth they would stop paying all the attention they pay to the building they call church and start paying attention to each other: The true Church. As it stands today in so many “churches” Thousands and even millions of dollars are spent on the buildings while the true Church is neglected. People glory more in how many people can be seated in their “churches:” than in how many people are truly serving the Lord.

Also, The Lord cannot be found by joining the choir, Charitable deeds or paying tithes (works) God can only be found in Christ and the path to Christ is the way of the cross (self denial) That is why the angel of God cries out for Zion to depart from Babylon: Choosing to Remain in Babylon (Antichrist system of falsehood) would only lead to deception and subsequently Gods judgment because the truth can only be found in Christ.

The Antichrist spirit also manifests itself in the rest of the unrepentant world: It is the lawless spirit of sin that rejects the cross and glorifies humanism, and self works. It is the doctrine of self promotion: The doctrine that we come 1st and that we have a right to be ourselves instead of denying ourselves to know our maker better.

-Divine Government is the fulfillment of the Universal Law: As Above, So Below. It is a governing body of the God Selves of all Humanity: a government OF our Divine Selves, BY our Divine Selves, FOR our Divine Selves. When we truly understand what this means, we will get a glimpse of the colossal affect these activations for Divine Government will have on the Earth and all life evolving here.I AM THE OPEN DOOR FOR DIVINE GOVERNMENT” By Patricia Diane Cota-Robles, found in the Awakening-Healing News” Letter of Light:

-“Remove God from a throne in the sky and place God where God is — in everything we call good, in that which we call evil and certainly in that which we call the human mind. It is time we begin to see God not as other but as ourselves.” [1] Deborah Turner-Bey, Creation Spirituality”

-Every man, woman and child on earth has within their being a ‘light’ to guide them. White Eagle calls this the Christ spirit, the spirit of divine love. The word ‘Christ’ is meant universally, Rose within a star and should not be linked with any particular religion. Because this ‘light’ is spiritual in essence, it is not always easy to recognize it in other people, or realize it is there in ourselves. White Eagle Lodge Website

-You are everything. Everything you want to know is inside of you. You are the Universe. Maybe the tragedy of the human race was that we had forgotten that we were each divine. You must never worship anyone or anything other than self. For you are God. To love self is to love God. I exist- therefore I am. I know that the God Source exists- therefore it is. Since I am part of that Source, then I AM that I AM.’ -Shirley McLain, Out on a Limb, 1983 Bantam Books, New York

-All that you want to be, you already are. All you have to do is move your awareness there and recognize the reality of your own Soul.” John Rogers

-You are all you will ever be. You are divine. You are perfection. All you have to do is awaken to that and then know it. John Rogers

-Christ-consciousness and Christ-abilities are the natural inheritance of every human being on Earth. Barbara Marx Hubbard, Happy birthday Planet Earth.p.17

-If god is everything and everywhere and inside everyone, then I figured He had to be inside me, too…

-Christ is the same force as LuciferLucifer prepares man for the experience of Christhood …. Lucifer works “within” each one of us to bring us to wholeness as we move into the New Age’ -David Spangler, Reflections of the Christ, , pp. 40-44

It is the spirit that promotes the things we can do by relying on our genius instead of relying on God :i.e being a law to ourselves (Gen 3:4-5).It is the spirit that prompts us to do what we like and be ourselves.It is the spirit that Promotes the doctrine that we do not need Jesus and that we can save ourselves by awakening our Christ (serpent, sinful) nature within. It is the spirit that mystics believe will elevate mankind to their so called “Christ conscious “state. They believe that awakening the kundalini (god consciousness,’ Serpent nature’) that sleeps (lies dormant) in us is the only way they can save themselves and the rest of humanity.

Kundalini represents the image of the fallen Adam that lives in every sinner. The serpent made Eve believe that bearing this image was the only way she could be exalted to godhood and that is the same lie that he is going to use to cajole the unrepentant world to obey him and submit to his accursed image today.
(You can Google Kundalini if You want to read more about it)

The Anti Christ is the spirit that prompts us to choose the tree of the knowledge of good and evil instead of the tree of life and this lawless spirit of rebellion (image of sin) has been inside the world since the fall of Adam. That is why John said it was already in the world, why mystics claim it is already in humanity and only needs to be ‘Stirred up’ and that is what the Bible refers to when it says in 2 Thess 2:6-7:”And now ye know what withholdeth that he might be revealed in his time. For the mystery of iniquity doth ‘already’ work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way”.

The mystery of iniquity is already working the above verse says however it was being restrained at the time st Paul was writing. Who do You think restrains the antichrist in Christians? Christ of course. His word curtails our lawless behavior. His spirit suppresses the lawlessness in us. The law of His father makes us abandon our self will. But when Christ is taken out of the way, when His words are made irrelevant and are totally abandoned by the church, the antichrist will fully manifest.

The antichrist is suppressed in the rest of the unrepentant world by their individuality: The Consciousness of their Souls & the ignorance of the potential of and connection to the inner ‘serpent spark’ that indwells humanity. This is What Hindus refer to as Jiva .

All satanic mystery schools believe that they will eventually succeed in awakening this serpent in themselves and subsequently the rest of humanity & that once this has been accomplished a new world order under the serpents rule would be established: One that is controlled by the inner spark which they have been fooled to think makes them divine. When this happens, The heights of lawlessness and rebellion would be unleashed on the land and that is the last time that John Refers to: The time when man exalts himself over His true maker & disregards His truth & instead embraces reason, occult knowledge and science. It is during this time the sin of man will fully manifest.

We can see from all this that it is the Antichrist spirit that makes us ‘antichrists. In the same way we become Christians when we submit to the Spirit of Christ.

Spirit of Satan

“The serpent is the symbol and prototype of the Universal Savior, who redeems the worlds by giving creation the knowledge of itself and the realization of good and evil.” Manly P. Hall, 33 Degree Mason, The Secret Teachings of All Ages

The Antichrist spirit is the spirit of Satan that lives in our hearts and deludes us to think that We can only be brought to wholeness by looking inward (Gen 3:4-6).That is why the Bible says thus of the man of sin: 2 Thess 2 :9-10:”Even him, whose coming is after the “working of Satan” with all power and signs and lying wonders, And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness “in”them that perish because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. ”

2 Thess 2:4-“Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.”

The Antichrist spirit reigns in us when it takes God place in His Temple: I.e. is Enthroned in us (We are God’s Temple 1:cor 6:19) and works in us to produce all sorts of unrighteous and anti-Christian tendencies. However when we accept Christ the image of God within within and die to the anti Christ spirit within us, God would be enthroned in us and will work within our hearts to produce Godly fruit Phil 2:3:”For it is “God which worketh in you” both to will and to do of his good pleasure.”

It is the spirit of our age that rejects God and God’s Word, and promotes man with all of its power. The purpose of education today is man’s welfare; the purpose of science is good life for man, the goal of entertainment is man’s pleasure: Hedonism says it all. Because of this, the world is currently crowded with Antichrists who hate Christ and His truth and live their lives contrary to His will

This anti christ spirit also makes us feel that we have a right to be who we are (denies the need for repentance). That is why Jesus told the Jews in John 8:44:You are of Your father the devil and the lusts of Your father You would do….Those that are born of the flesh are naturally sinners (antichrists) those that accept the work of the cross and die to self are naturally righteous. That is why the Bible says in 1 John 3:7-8:Little children, let no man deceive you: he that doeth righteousness is righteous, even as he is righteous. He that committeth sin is of the devil; for the devil sinneth from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the ‘works of the devil.

The antichrist is not the beast of revelation 13.The beast of rev 13 is an antichrist but is not the Antichrist, The false prophet is also not the antichrist. However He is an antichrist because he negates Christ.The Antichrist spirit is the ‘worlds counterfeit Christ’ .The spirit that promotes the self instead of The Savior: Jesus Christ said many would be deluded into accepting the antichrist as Christ because of the oneness and acceptance of everyone it would emphasize. However true Christians will never be deluded because they know that Friendship with the world is enmity with God (James 4:4).They know that they have to deny themselves in order to know the true God (John 12:25)

How to identify the Antichrist and the True Christ in the Church:
1.-1 John 4:5-6:They are from the world and therefore speak from the viewpoint of the world, and the world listens to them. We are from God, and whoever knows God listens to us; but whoever is not from God does not listen to us. This is how we recognize the Spirit of truth and the spirit of falsehood”.

The Bible says in the above verse: They (the Antichrists) are of the world and speak from the worlds viewpoint. One distinguishing mark of the Antichrist system is that it conforms to the principles of the world. It speaks (promotes) the things of the world things the world respects) It prompts people to seek money not the Holy spirit. It prompts them to live for self (world doctrine of self enhancement) instead of the savior. It prompts them to live for now instead of living for eternity. It bases its standards on worldly principles and that is why the world listens to it. The true church of God preaches the cross. Only the true children of God listen to the message of the cross they know they have to deny themselves in order to know God. All devotees of self reject the cross and exalt the self and that is why they will never listen to the message of the church: Because it offends their self pride. That is why there is an enmity between the church and the world.

2.Col 2: 16-17:”Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of an holyday, or of the new moon, or of the Sabbath days: Which are a shadow of things to come; but the body is of Christ.

The Antichrist system prefers to identify with symbol than reality. E.G. They make much ado about keeping the Sabbath day but they are not ready to partake in Gods rest because they advocate their own works (Heb 4).They prefer to put the symbol of the cross on their buildings instead of embracing the cross of Christ. They Prefer to Go to church instead of being the Church. They prefer to celebrate the Birth of Christ than to allow Christ to be born and formed in their hearts (Gal 4:19) etc. Christ’s true church is more interested in reality than in symbols.

3.Matt 7:21-23:” Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity”.

The Antichrist system is more concerned with signs, wonders and ‘outer good works’ than in producing fruit. They are more interested in speaking in tongues ,casting out devils, prophesying ,raising the dead and doing outer works rather than in submitting to their maker and letting Him work through them. As You can see in the verse above, The people were so surprised when Christ rejected them because they thought that the fact that they showed signs and did ‘good works’ was an endorsement. But God rejected them. True Christians are more interested in bearing fruit and obeying their father. They are more interested in God renewing them on the inside and working through them. They are well aware that obedience to God is better than sacrifice (outer works of piety) That is why Jesus said “by their fruit (not by their signs or their philanthropy) You shall know them”

The Presumption of being a follower of Christ based on outer good works, instead of the experiential reality of dying to our rebellious nature and submitting our souls to His Holy Spirit is make-believe Christianity. Such Christianity is of Babylon and is a perfect reflection of the beast which had horns like a lamb but spoke like a dragon (Appearing to be godly on the outside but unregenerate in the heart). True Christians do not try to be like Jesus by their own self righteous efforts. They know their best efforts are like filthy rags. They do the works of Christ when they submit to His authority (I.e. reject their sinful image & let Him work through them)

Note: Kundalini is referred to by many names by various mystic groups. Gnostics refer to it as the ‘divine spark’ that resides in all human beings, The ancient Egyptians referred to it as ka. The Quakers refer to it as the inner light. The urantia book refers to it as Thought adjuster while eckankar (& many other mystical groups) refers to it as God consciousness that we can only realize within.

If you go to the store to buy Meat, don't run to the Milk section or the Junk Food aisle looking for it!!

The Meat Section is the True Gospel of Jesus Christ.

The Milk Section is likened to those who will not preach on sin and Hell, just a feel good message, the Social gospel.

The Junk Food Isle is the outright false doctrine AKA the prosperity gospel, name it and claim it, the Hebraic Roots movement and other false teachings!!

Feasting on just Milk and Junk will eventually cause you great harm, you can count on it!!
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