Satan AKA Lucifer is the Prince of the Power of the Air

He, Satan, commands a hierarchy just like a military machine! However, he can do nothing unless God gives him permission! See Job chapters 1 & 2 for that! People ask all the time why are things happening the way they are and why does God not stop it?  Well humans are infested with a SIN … Click Here to Read more

A Match Made in Hell Or Just in Someone’s Twisted Mind? Satan and a Woman Named 2020 Meet and Fall in Love!

As if ads could not get any more perverted and satanic, Dating Site takes the cake. The message of Evil is Good and Good is Evil (Isaiah 5:20-21) is not subliminal any longer. Their SATANIC message is now in your face and to the point. They are pulling no punches! Satan and 2020 are … Click Here to Read more

Drummer for Satanic Band Death Angel claims he met Satan while in a Coronavirus Coma

2nd Corinthians 11:13-15 “For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ. 14 And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. 15 Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to … Click Here to Read more

Luciferase?: The Micro-Needle Vaccine Delivery System

There are many ignorant Preachers and Bible Prophecy Teachers out there who will not consider what the Luciferian group headed up by Bill Gates is developing. This very well could be the Mark of the Beast. Many of them are saying “don’t worry about it” 2nd Corinthians 2:11 “Lest Satan should get an advantage of … Click Here to Read more

Who is Baphomet? 

Just another name for the false god and fallen angel Lucifer with many other names! See the Names of Satan along with Satan’s Origin and Doctrine From Got Questions – Baphomet is the name of a false god associated in times past with the Knights Templar and today with Satanism and the occult. Modern representations … Click Here to Read more

Satanism Infiltrates North Carolina State University as a Student Club

Now if this would have been a Christian club, the Atheist groups, the Secular Humanists, who are no more than Satanists themselves, who have a hissy-fit and filed lawsuits. But they are brethren in a common agenda to kick God out of society. They will fail! FOTM – William Nardi reports for The College Fix, … Click Here to Read more

We Wrestle not against Flesh and Blood but against Satan the god of this World System

This may come as a big surprise and shock to those of you who follow this ministry knowing the hard stand I take. Our Enemy is NOT Islam or Muslims, False Religions, Satanists or Witches, Communists, Rocket Man, The Democrats, (specifically Joe and the Hoe, that whole Luciferian Cabal) The Swamp that is filled with … Click Here to Read more

Son Beats Mother and Leaves her to Die – Carves Demon Name in her Chest

Asmoday is know as the king of demons. Like most Demons, it has many different names. No matter what it is called, it is connected to Lucifer the king of them all!

Daily Beast January 15, 2017 – Chase Wall, a 33-year-old with a record of meth production and domestic abuse, has been charged for the attempted murder of his mother, who was left with a demon king’s name on her chest.

Before he allegedly beat his mother, stole her car, and left her for dead with a demon’s name scrawled across her chest, Chase Wall wrote a Tumblr post about the demon and asked the internet to help him deflect government mind control.

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Anti-Christ Identity

The Identity of the Antichrist by Arthur Jason – They have nixed Jason’s website and until I find where his new one is I can’t provide a link. Because of the many misconceptions among Christians about the identity of the Antichrist, I’ve decided to shed more light on the identity of the Antichrist in order … Click Here to Read more

Satan’s Names

The names of Satan, aka Lucifer,  as he is called in the Word of God. You can also see these along with many other names that Demons take on here. Remember that Satan is a liar and a deceiver. He will try to trick and confuse so be vigilant. Abaddon Hebrew name for Satan meaning … Click Here to Read more

Ghosts, Goblins, Haunting’s and the Paranormal

What does the Bible say about ghosts and hauntings? Jon Watkins  Exposing  Satanism and Witchcraft  September 2, 2013 Edited and revised by Cynthia Pawl on September 20, 2015 I would like to share an experience I had, in 2013, while working on a remodeling project. This was not my first or last encounter of its … Click Here to Read more