Conservative Republican who “Championed PRO-family and ANTI-LGBT”……, is a Queer!

1st Corinthians 2:14 “But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.”

There is a saying that I am sure you have heard.. “that person has bad vibes”. It comes from the Hippie movement and refers to bad vibrations one gets when around certain people. It is two fold depending on which side of the fence you are on.

What do I mean by that? Are you 100% on the side of God having the True Gospel of Jesus Christ in your heart, mind and Soul? Or are you in a wishy-washy religious cult that just gives you a warm good fuzzy feeling even though you live a very sinful life style? That is Lucifer’s camp if you don’t know!

Those of you who are in Lucifer’s camp, and its the majority of those who say they are Christian, don’t like it when you get around the few of us who are Truly Born Again and can detect your hellish “vibes”. You feel uneasy and guilty and want to run like hell and get away. That is the demons inside of you detecting the Spirit of God!

Best get in tune with the Holy Spirit people. He is your Pervert Detector!

Ohio legislator Wes Goodman led secret gay life, made unwelcome advances to younger men – In public, Wesley Goodman was an up-and-coming conservative who championed pro-family and anti- LGBT causes and aspired to someday run for Congress.

In private, he exchanged salacious texts and emails with gay men he met on Capitol Hill, and sent sexually suggestive messages to young men he met through conservative circles who were too intimidated to publicly complain, according to three people who knew him when he worked in Washington.

Goodman’s double life ended this week when he resigned from the Ohio legislature after House Speaker Cliff Rosenberger was alerted to Goodman’s involvement in “inappropriate behavior” with a man in his state office in Columbus.

The married, 33-year-old was elected to the 87th district seat in 2016 after working for the Conservative Action Project, a network of economic, social and national security conservatives. He previously worked for conservative U.S. Rep. Jim Jordan, a Champaign County Republican.

Johnny Hadlock, then a staffer for another GOP congressman in Washington, said he met Goodman in 2010. Hadlock said he confided in Goodman that he was a closeted gay man and the two began exchanging text messages.

In an interview with, Hadlock described the messages as sexting and gay banter, and said he engaged in phone sex with Goodman.

“Wes never sexually harassed me — we both knew what we were doing and we were both fine doing it,” Hadlock said.

Hadlock went on to work for Mitt Romney’s 2012 presidential campaign and now works at a D.C. non-profit. He said he last talked with Goodman in 2014. In private Facebook messages shared with, Goodman initiated conversation with Hadlock several times, once when he said his wife was out of town and another when he said she was asleep.

Read more about this reprobate here

I could not find any info on good ole boy Wesley Goodman’s religious affiliation. Seems most info about him, other than his grave packing romps, has been scrubbed from or suppressed on the internet. His Facebook page is empty, his website is a blank page and they have deleted him from the 87th district he represented at Man that was fast!

What I did find is that he attended Ohio Wesleyan University which is affiliated with the United Methodist Church. So, I am going to assume he is a Methodist!

And what do we know about the Methodists? The Methodists have embraced homosexuality and same sex marriage so it is no wonder he is a gravel packer, If indeed he is a Methodist. It should be further noted that is what crooked Hillary is also, a Methodist!

Listen to this Homosexual Methodist speaker at the 2016 DNC

.“O God of many names, we know that You call us to work hard to bring people together,”

The prayer offered by Rev. Shillady sounds great, HUH? How touching a message. Hillary even seems to shed a tear. She is not shedding it for Jesus Christ because she does not truly know him. You heard the Reverend address the God of many names. Their prayer is not to our Creator but rather to Lucifer and his demons. . See his many names and those of Demons here.

Their philosophy will not save one person, or deliver one person from the bondage of Sin. What it will do is result in a person being demon possessed, which is exactly the case with Hillary. She is, demon possessed! Demons whom she has sought and invited.

In his prayer, Rev. William Shillady referenced John Wesley, founder of Methodism. I contend, that if John Wesley were alive today and listening to this homosexual pastor pray, he would have gotten up, thrown the Heretic off the stage and preached the TRUE Gospel! The Methodists started out on the right road, as did most denominations, but all have veered off onto a road that has led to a Cesspool of false doctrine. One other note about the Rev. William Shillady’s supplication. He is NOT speaking to the LORD of heaven, It IS the lord of the pit, Lucifer, he is invoking!

If you go to the store to buy Meat, don't run to the Milk section or the Junk Food aisle looking for it!!

The Meat Section is the True Gospel of Jesus Christ.

The Milk Section is likened to those who will not preach on sin and Hell, just a feel good message, the Social gospel.

The Junk Food Isle is the outright false doctrine AKA the prosperity gospel, name it and claim it, the Hebraic Roots movement and other false teachings!!

Feasting on just Milk and Junk will eventually cause you great harm, you can count on it!!
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