Feminist Athlete Promotes Anti-Family Agenda and Planet Depopulation

We need to normalize being child-free, she says

Dan Lyman – A female motorsports athlete is being hailed as a new face of the depopulation agenda after becoming a member of Population Matters, a UK-based organization focused on radical environmentalism.

Leilani Münter is an American race car driver and self-proclaimed “vegan hippy chick” who is calling for people to have fewer or no children to combat her top concern for the planet.

“We need to normalize choosing being child-free,” Münter told Reuters. “If you look at the numbers, the earth is finite, and the human race cannot keep growing infinitely with only so many resources.”

“Not having a child has been the biggest way for me to reduce my impact on the planet.”

Münter was named one of the top 10 female racers in the world by Sports Illustrated in 2007, and adopts an acre of rainforest to offset her ‘carbon footprint’ for every time she drives her “Vegan Powered” race car.

In a featured interview for her profile with Population Matters, she says that “human population worries me the most,” asserting that homo sapiens are the root cause of all major environmental issues facing the earth.

“I have chosen to not contribute to population growth and I am happily child-free,” Münter says. “The only babies in our house have four legs. My husband and I had this discussion early on when we were dating. I wish more people would look at the bigger picture and make the same decision. It is simple math, it is not hard to understand: this is not sustainable. If we don’t change our ways, humans are on a path to extinction.”

Population Matters links her “child-free” comment to a page on the organization’s website that touts the wonders of reducing family sizes.

“Having fewer—or no—children brings other benefits. Smaller families can free people to devote more money and time to the children they have, or other aspects of their lives, such as friendships, careers and activities that give them pleasure. Those who choose to be childfree will have very much more freedom, including (for some) to do other things to help protect the planet or help others.”

“Children in small families can benefit from having more attention from their parents, and greater freedom without siblings. Children grow up happy in families of all sizes but some research suggests children in smaller families do better in later life.”

Despite the hysteria surrounding population growth, many researchers forecast that it will peak at approximately 10 billion and level off or decline.

While most Western nations are already falling far short of sustainable birth rates, which is generally accepted to be at least 2.1 children per family, the United Nations conservatively projects that Africa’s population will explode beyond four billion by 2100, accounting for a third of the world total.

Comparatively, UN projections for High-Income Countries and Middle-Income Countries reflect declining populations by 2100, while Low-Income Countries will continue to experience exponential growth.

If you go to the store to buy Meat, don't run to the Milk section or the Junk Food aisle looking for it!!

The Meat Section is the True Gospel of Jesus Christ.

The Milk Section is likened to those who will not preach on sin and Hell, just a feel good message, the Social gospel.

The Junk Food Isle is the outright false doctrine AKA the prosperity gospel, name it and claim it, the Hebraic Roots movement and other false teachings!!

Feasting on just Milk and Junk will eventually cause you great harm, you can count on it!!
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