Former Jehovah’s Witnesses to protest sex abuse scandals at Pa. convention

What does this Religious Cult believe? Read here The reason for the protests?  Jehovah’s Witnesses Church Leaders Cover-Up a HUGE Pedophile Ring The Inquirer – Chessa Manion insists she’s not looking for revenge, or to spark an ugly confrontation, when she heads to Berks County this weekend. The plan that she and a group of … Click Here to Read more

Jehovah’s Witnesses banned as ‘extremist’ in Russia

The writer of this article ignorantly writes that Jehovah’s Witnesses are a “Christian group”. NO, they are NOT! Just because someone or a group has head knowledge of Jesus Christ it DOES NOT mean they are a Christian. It is just as ludicrous as wacko fools (transgenders) who claim they are opposite of that which they were born!

See more on the Jehovah’s Witnesses here.

RT – Russia’s Supreme Court has banned the Jehovah’s Witnesses, declaring it an “extremist organization” and ordering to hand over its property to the state. The Christian group says it is planning to appeal the decision.

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