Oprah’s Psychic Quits – Claims There Are Too Many Pedophiles in Her Circle to Be a Coincidence

Oprah Winfrey is the epitome of Matthew 7:15-16 “Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. 16 Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?” Oprah is not a prophet of the True God in Heaven. She … Click Here to Read more

A Black Magick Spell Was Cast Over Disney From The Beginning

The Dark Side Of Disney – Pedophilia has been conjured up! Vile perverted demons possess and are manifesting! The long criminal history of Disney’s pedophile child predators Not only is Disney full of Pedophiles, they teach and promote the Occult… the Dark Side! The Cartoons and shows they produce are full of Satanists, Witches and … Click Here to Read more

Britney Spears Claims She Suffered Satanic Illuminati Rituals

Remember that Britney Spears was groomed by the Satanists and Pedophiles of Disney and Hellywood! Britney Spears detailed the “satanic” abuse she suffered at the hands of her “Illuminati” handlers during her 13-year conservatorship, including sickening sexual rituals, weekly blood transfusions, and MK-Ultra medical experiments. Spears described in a now-deleted Instagram post on Sunday how … Click Here to Read more

The Burger King and Ronald McDonald are Dating? They Come Out of the Cooler and Jump right into the Homosexual Fryer!

Just another in a long list of Icons shoving The LGBTQPXYZ perversion down everyone’s throat! Burger King Depicts Mascot in Gay Kiss with Ronald McDonald for New Ad Campaign Breitbart News – Burger King has launched a new advertising campaign in Finland featuring its eponymous mascot sharing a deep kiss with Ronald McDonald, along with … Click Here to Read more

Hypocrite Racist Oprah Winfrey

New Age Pedophile Witch Oprah Winfrey Bashing White People during her Racist show, on a Pure WHITE set—with Pure WHITE furniture—wearing Pure WHITE pants! This is nothing compared to what you will learn about this Wicked Jezebel in another article. She is a full blown Pedophile who is into child sacrifice! “Whites have a leg … Click Here to Read more

Pizza-Toddlers-Pedophiles and a Hellywood Harlot

Chrissy Teigen Deletes 60K Bizarre Tweets Over Epstein Connection Allegations Harm one of the Lord’s Children and he will take away yours! Planned Murderhood Calls an Ahab and Jezebels Miscarried Child a SON! Liberal actress also blocked “over a million people” she claims have been trolling her Jamie White | News Wars – Liberal actress … Click Here to Read more

Holy Bath Pastor Convicted and Sentenced to 34 years in Jail for Raping Kids

His wife, who arranged abortions after 4 girls became pregnant, sentenced to 11 years Originally from Nigeria and was a part of the Cult Cherubim and Seraphim Church Luke 17:2 “It were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he cast into the sea, than that he should offend one … Click Here to Read more

Catastrophic Signs of the Times

Buckle up folks and heed these words!

Along with the Rise of Witchcraft, Black Magic and Satanism, an increase of Child Abuse and Child Sacrifice naturally follows!

Satan, the god of this world, god of Witchcraft and Satanism, demands a Human Sacrifice. He does not care how it is done, be it via Abortion, or direct Murder!  Psalms 1:15-16 “My son, walk not thou in the way with them; refrain thy foot from their path: 16 For their feet run to evil, … Click Here to Read more

Furries Arrested For Rape of 15-Year-Old Boy

Suspect met the child during a game of Dungeons and Dragons Kelen McBreen | Info Wars – Jacob Becker and Emily Javins of Penn Township, Pennsylvania, were arrested last week for engaging in a fetish-based sexual affair with a 15-year-old boy. According to Fox 6 Now, the couple was arrested Saturday after the child’s father … Click Here to Read more

Bill Clinton Implicated in Satanic Child Rape Ritual

FBI Interviews Victim Alleging Bill Clinton Raped Him At Age 8 In Satanic Ritual Kelen McBreen | INFOWARS.COM – Child sex trafficking investigators, who are part of the task force looking into Jeffrey Epstein and his associates on behalf of the FBI’s New York field office and NYPD, have allegedly interviewed a man who claims … Click Here to Read more