Vampire Hysteria grips African Countries

Perhaps it is sparked by news such as this: Man dubbed Vampire Slits 5yr old boy’s throat and Drinks his Blood

Vampire Attack Rumors Trigger Riots, ‘Utter Chaos’ in Mozambique

Breitbart – Riots have broken out in the town of Gile in Mozambique amid fears that blood-sucking vampires were active in the area with the help of government officials.

According to local media, fears of vampires have been circulating in recent months following an incident in which a mob attacked a local business owner in the locality of Muiane, who they believed was a vampire. Read more here.

140 arrested in deadly mob attacks on ‘vampires’

New York Post – Deadly mob attacks on people suspected to be “vampires” have led to 140 arrests in Malawi, police said Friday.

The situation had spun out of control, the inspector general of police, Lexon Kachama, told The Associated Press. More arrests were expected.

Nine people have been killed in the attacks that began last month after rumors of “blood-suckers” spread. In the latest case, a man with epilepsy was burned to death in Blantyre, the southern African nation’s second-largest city, Kachama said. Another person there was stoned to death.  Read more here.

Belief in Vampires Leads to Rioting in Zambezia

All Africa – Rumours of vampirism have led to violent disturbances in the town of Gile, in the central Mozambican province of Zambezia, according to a report in Thursday’s issue of the electronic paper “Txopela”, published in the provincial capital, Quelimane.

Rioting in the town has been so serious that the Gile district administrator has been forced to flee. The Zambezia provincial governor, Abdul Razak, confirmed on Thursday morning that the administrator has taken refuge in the neighbouring district of Alto Molocue. Read more here.

UN moves staff after mobs kill five in Malawi vampire scare

The Guardian – The United Nations has pulled staff out of two districts in southern Malawi where a vampire scare has triggered mob violence in which at least five people have been killed.

Belief in witchcraft is widespread in rural Malawi, one of the world’s poorest countries, where many aid agencies and NGOs work. A spate of vigilante violence linked to vampire rumours also erupted in Malawi in 2002. Read more here.

There are real life Vampires. The modern ones (for a lack of a better word) are not like the ones you see in the Movies, but they are vampires in every sense of the word.  Then you have the weirdo’s like this woman dubbed the Vampire lady. Just like Satanists and Witches, there are many different beliefs, rituals and customs. They all have one thing in common, they are demon possessed, hence the blood lust!

Also see these articles:

It’s in the Blood  10 Part Series

Blood Raves and Blood Sacrifice in a Blood Thirsty Society

Blood Sucking Vampires the key to Long Life – Blood Transfusions from the Young may keep YOU Young!

Interview with a real-life vampire: why drinking blood isn’t like in Hollywood

People who claim to be vampires are in the thousands, with demographics transcending class, race and gender. But there’s a reason they stay in the shadows

The Guardian Drinking blood isn’t what Hollywood makes it out to be, according to real-life vampires.

First of all, there’s no biting – that’s neither safe nor sanitary – and with too many vital arteries, the neck isn’t the favored spot. Transactions aren’t carnages leaving the victim lifeless behind in a dark alley, and nor do vampires sleep in coffins or burn in daylight. They’re generally cool with garlic. Most of them don’t even have fangs.

Instead, modern vampires get their sustenance from inch-long incisions made by a sterilized scalpel on a fleshy part of the body that doesn’t scar. Though the vampire may suck it up directly from the source, medically trained personnel usually perform the procedure. There’s paperwork too: “donors” don’t just have to consent, but also provide health certificates proving the absence of blood-borne diseases. Still, feeding is a sensual and sacred ritual.

The people who claim to be vampires are in the thousands worldwide, with demographics transcending borders, class, race and gender. And increasingly, researchers study them.

“We’re people you pass on the street and likely socialize with on a daily basis,” says Merticus, the 37-year-old founding member of Atlanta’s Vampire Alliance. “We often keep this aspect of our life secret for fear we’ll be misunderstood and to safeguard against reprisals from what society deems taboo.” Read the rest here.

If you go to the store to buy Meat, don't run to the Milk section or the Junk Food aisle looking for it!!

The Meat Section is the True Gospel of Jesus Christ.

The Milk Section is likened to those who will not preach on sin and Hell, just a feel good message, the Social gospel.

The Junk Food Isle is the outright false doctrine AKA the prosperity gospel, name it and claim it, the Hebraic Roots movement and other false teachings!!

Feasting on just Milk and Junk will eventually cause you great harm, you can count on it!!
If you appreciate what this Ministry is doing to Expose the Fake Christians, Satanists, Witches, Communist/Socialist Democrats, R.I.N.O Republicans and the assault on our Conservative, True Christian values, please consider a small donation to help us continue and expand. This Ministry is not only under attack by the Enemy, we are now under attack from supposed Christians also. It is what Tom Horn calls 'Blood on the Altar"!