Black Magic and Satanic Rituals are Real!

Christopher Lee Describes the Power of Satanic Rituals in 1975 Video Vigilant Citizen – In this rare interview, actor Christopher Lee discusses the power of black magic and satanic rituals, adding that there’s “nothing fictitious” about them. He also explains why there was a resurgence of interest in occultism at the time. His answer remains … Click Here to Read more

Blood Sucking Vampires the key to Long Life: Blood Transfusions from the Young may keep YOU Young!

The Daily Mail credits Dracula the Vampire as the original researcher. Perhaps this is why Hellywood is so obsessed with Vampires. Some of the Jezebels of Hellywood bath in Blood! See that info at the end of this writing. Leviticus 17:11 “For the life of the flesh is in the blood: and I have given … Click Here to Read more


Vampirism, Zombies and Gothic’s With the recent shooting in Newtown, Connecticut on Dec. 14 2012, I have updated this page to include Gothic’s seeing how there is really not much difference. Most of these mass shootings can be attributed to a few simple facts that you can see at a list of Mass Murderers How … Click Here to Read more