SatanCon 2023: Supposed to Be the Largest Satanic Gathering in History

Just a bunch of Communist/Anarchist LGBTQPXYZ Punks gathering to do dope and spread S.T.D’s! 2nd Corinthians 11:14-15 “And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. 15 Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their … Click Here to Read more

New Jersey Doctor Arrested for Sacrificing Animals in His Apartment

He is an adherent of ‘ Santeria’ Witchcraft It’s happening more than you think, and some are practicing Voodoo! Only protection is being Born Again and covered by the Blood of Jesus! After a tip-off from a neighbor, investigators found at least 22 farm animals in Emilio Otero’s three-bedroom apartment in New Jersey including goats, … Click Here to Read more

Charles Manson’s Demons live on in Crazed Fan

The individual known as Charles Manson, the person, is no longer able to influence anyone! But those demons that influenced and controlled him—are flourishing. Source 2nd Corinthians 13:5 “Examine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith; prove your own selves. Know ye not your own selves, how that Jesus Christ is in you, except ye … Click Here to Read more

Antifa Holds Satanic Blood Ritual in the Streets of Boston

Antifa Members Conduct Occult Ritual in Boston Streets, Eat Bloody Heart Symbolic of Trump Frankie Stockes | National File – AntiFa radicals conducted what can only be described as an occult-style ritual on the streets of Boston, Massachusetts this weekend as members of the group burned American flags and ate a bloody heart symbolic of … Click Here to Read more

Halloween: The Eve of the Devil Series Index

Here is a 12 part series that will hopefully convince you to NOT take part in one Satanists and Witches most holy days of the year! Also see Ghosts, Goblins, Haunting’s and the Paranormal after the part 12 link below Halloween – The Eve of the Devil Halloween – The Eve of the Devil Part … Click Here to Read more

As America Burns We are witnessing an increase of Satanic Activity

As America Burns We Are Witnessing An Increase of Satanic Activity – From COVID-19 To The Politics Of Destruction, We See Evil Snowballing Across The Nation By Susan Duclos – All News PipeLine We are noting a number of events happening simultaneously, from the COVID-19 lockdowns and the violation of constitutional rights still continuing, to … Click Here to Read more

Spirit Cooker Marina Abramovic: “I am not a Satanist”

Well what the hell is she then? A reincarnated Mother Teresa? She surely is NOT a Christian! Anyone with at least 2 active brain cells can see from her videos and images that she is akin to one! Oh and the Fake News Rag is defending this Harlot of Hell – Evil Manifesting out of the … Click Here to Read more

New Orleans has Quickly become the Chi-Comm Coronavirus Death Hot Spot!

That is because of all the Witchcraft, Satanism, Voodoo, Santeria, Animal and Human Sacrifice, Organized Crime, Drugs, Prostitution and Catholicism that is rampant. Look for Hellywood and San Francisco in the Sodomy State to be next! New York is just as evil, but the Voodoo is not as prevalent there. And like New York, they … Click Here to Read more

Cuban Witch-doctors Sacrifice Birds in Santeria Ritual Seeking Protection from the Chi-Comm Coronavirus

1st Corinthians 10:20 “But I say, that the things which the Gentiles sacrifice, they sacrifice to devils, and not to God: and I would not that ye should have fellowship with devils.” After reading this, go read these: Santeria: A mix of African Voodoo and Catholicism and Santeria: A mix of African Voodoo and Catholicism … Click Here to Read more

Satanists Sacrifice Family in Panama Church

‘Satanic’ sect kills pregnant woman and six children in violent ‘exorcism’ The bodies of seven people, including a child as young as one, were found in a mass grave after families were held against their will in a church in Panama The Mirror – A “satanic” sect killed a pregnant woman and six children – … Click Here to Read more

Black Magic and Satanic Rituals are Real!

Christopher Lee Describes the Power of Satanic Rituals in 1975 Video Vigilant Citizen – In this rare interview, actor Christopher Lee discusses the power of black magic and satanic rituals, adding that there’s “nothing fictitious” about them. He also explains why there was a resurgence of interest in occultism at the time. His answer remains … Click Here to Read more