Glimpse of what HELL will be like for the Pedophile, Harlots, and Sexual Perverts in the Sodomy State!

The only thing that might be good news of the President officially declaring that Jerusalem is the Capitol of Israel is, Los Angeles California is on fire! 405 Freeway reopens as 150-acre Skirball fire continues to burn in the Sepulveda Pass The LORD is giving people time to get out and repent before HE triggers … Click Here to Read more

Hell is Really Really Hot!

Nearby earthquakes are opening up Africa’s ‘Gateway to Hell’ volcano NASA satellite imagery has spotted new cracks opening up near Africa’s ‘Gateway to Hell’ – more officially known as the Erta Ale volcano in Ethiopia. Scientists think nearby tectonic activity is causing large amounts of lava to spill out of the large, flat shield volcano, which … Click Here to Read more