Demonic Portal Swirling Like a Cauldron is Visible Above the White House

We will get to the story, but first this. There are many of these portals being seen around the world since C.E.R.N was brought online. CERN Collider opening the gates of Hell? These are Portal/Gates to the Spirit World, and Hell, which God has forbidden to be opened or peered into. Necromancy – Channeling – … Click Here to Read more

Earth is Expanding: Do YOU Know Why?

If you will bare with me I will show you the why Biblically!  It is because Hell is expanding!! Isaiah 5:14-15 “Therefore hell hath enlarged herself, and opened her mouth without measure: and their glory, and their multitude, and their pomp, and he that rejoiceth, shall descend into it. 15 And the mean man shall … Click Here to Read more

Top Luciferian is Dead and Now in Hell!

Duke of Edinburgh, Queen’s Consort Prince Philip Dies Age 99 The Queen’s consort Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, has passed away at the age of 99, news which shortly follows his return from a stay at King Edward VII’s Hospital in Marleybone, London. Read more His legion of demons are now wandering in arid places … Click Here to Read more

Amazon’s Alexa Is About to Connect You With the Spirit World

Amazon’s Alexa Is About to Connect You With the Spirit World “Your smart speaker could become a smart spooker” – Ruki Sayid.   Alexi has a new program called ‘GHOST BOT” that could allow your dead loved ones to speak to you from the grave and beyond.  And if you fall for the deception, those spirits … Click Here to Read more

A Match Made in Hell Or Just in Someone’s Twisted Mind? Satan and a Woman Named 2020 Meet and Fall in Love!

As if ads could not get any more perverted and satanic, Dating Site takes the cake. The message of Evil is Good and Good is Evil (Isaiah 5:20-21) is not subliminal any longer. Their SATANIC message is now in your face and to the point. They are pulling no punches! Satan and 2020 are … Click Here to Read more

Necromancy – Channeling – Praying or Speaking to the Dead

If you are praying to dead people, You are NOT in contact with a lost loved one or someone who died hundreds of years ago. What you are in contact with, and praying to, are fallen angels, demons and even Satan himself! When a person dies, their Soul and Spirit are in one of two … Click Here to Read more

Drummer for Satanic Band Death Angel claims he met Satan while in a Coronavirus Coma

2nd Corinthians 11:13-15 “For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ. 14 And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. 15 Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to … Click Here to Read more

The All Seeing Eye and the Occult Meaning

The One-Eye Sign: Its Origins and Occult Meaning Why are there so many pictures of celebrities hiding one eye? It is definitely not random. In fact, the One-Eye sign has a profound meaning and proves an important fact about the powers that be. This article looks at the origins and the meaning of the unescapable … Click Here to Read more

The Weeping and Gnashing of Teeth by Crazed Feminist Jezebels

Luke 13:28 “There shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth, when ye shall see Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob, and all the prophets, in the kingdom of God, and you yourselves thrust out.”  A reporter for PJ Media wrote of his experience while in the Senate chamber as he witnessed the Rabid Feminists of the … Click Here to Read more