A Match Made in Hell Or Just in Someone’s Twisted Mind? Satan and a Woman Named 2020 Meet and Fall in Love!

As if ads could not get any more perverted and satanic, Dating Site Match.com takes the cake. The message of Evil is Good and Good is Evil (Isaiah 5:20-21) is not subliminal any longer. Their SATANIC message is now in your face and to the point. They are pulling no punches! Satan and 2020 are … Click Here to Read more

Pizza-Toddlers-Pedophiles and a Hellywood Harlot

Chrissy Teigen Deletes 60K Bizarre Tweets Over Epstein Connection Allegations Harm one of the Lord’s Children and he will take away yours! Planned Murderhood Calls an Ahab and Jezebels Miscarried Child a SON! Liberal actress also blocked “over a million people” she claims have been trolling her Jamie White | News Wars – Liberal actress … Click Here to Read more

They Sold their Souls to the Devil

Who in Hellywood and the Music Industry has sold their soul to the devil?  Alex Jones discusses who has sold their soul to the devil and why. You must understand that Satan is a liar, a murderer, and a thief. He is the father of lies, so don’t believe him when he tells you you … Click Here to Read more

Popular Hellywood Lesbian Jezebel hates being called Wife

Married Miley Cyrus Says She Hates Being Called a “Wife” and is Still Attracted to Girls Paul Watson | Summit News – Pop star Miley Cyrus, who is married to actor Liam Hemsworth, says she doesn’t like being called a “wife” and is still attracted to girls. In an interview with Vogue, Cyrus said, “Do … Click Here to Read more

The All Seeing Eye and the Occult Meaning

The One-Eye Sign: Its Origins and Occult Meaning Why are there so many pictures of celebrities hiding one eye? It is definitely not random. In fact, the One-Eye sign has a profound meaning and proves an important fact about the powers that be. This article looks at the origins and the meaning of the unescapable … Click Here to Read more

Massive Child Sex Ring Busted in California and MSM is Silent

Hundreds Arrested Including Entertainers, Community Leaders and Clergy  I wonder why they are not releasing the names of the ” Entertainers, Community Leaders and Clergy “? Could it be they are protecting them yet again? This will slip into oblivion as all the others arrests do!  Codenamed “Operation Broken Heart III”, the sweeping raids targeted … Click Here to Read more

Mariah Carey’s Satanic Upbringing: Stories of Satanic Rituals as told by Sister Alison

This is how you become a Hellywood Star or a Rock Star. You must be given over to Satan! Your News Wire – Mariah Carey engaged in child sex rituals and animal sacrifices conducted by a satanic cult, according to her estranged sister.  According to Mariah’s sister Alison, both Mariah and her “evil mother” Patricia … Click Here to Read more

Glimpse of what HELL will be like for the Pedophile, Harlots, and Sexual Perverts in the Sodomy State!

The only thing that might be good news of the President officially declaring that Jerusalem is the Capitol of Israel is, Los Angeles California is on fire! 405 Freeway reopens as 150-acre Skirball fire continues to burn in the Sepulveda Pass The LORD is giving people time to get out and repent before HE triggers … Click Here to Read more

Satanism, Witchcraft and Human Sacrifice in Hellywood

Occult Worship – Hollywood’s Other Dirty Secret That Everyone Knows of But No One Talks About Also see: Hollywood’s obsession with the Occult By Buck Rogers – The avalanche of revelations about the perverted and predatory sexual underbelly of Hollywood and the entertainment industry is long overdue. It has always been an open secret of … Click Here to Read more

Drudge: Has any Actor Become a Star Without Putting Out?

Number celebrities coming forward about Weinstein stunning. Question? If these Hellywood Hussy’s put out to get something in return, doesn’t that  make them Prostitutes? Barbara Walters did it to further her career. So it is not just the Hussy’s in Hellywood. Most women use their stuff to climb the ladder!  Galatians 4:16 News Wars – … Click Here to Read more

Pedophiles the next ones to be Exposed in Hellywood

Rampant Pedophilia with Child Actors the Next Shoe to Drop in Hollywood Sex Scandal Older men acting as agents sexually abuse child actors Jerome Corsi – WASHINGTON, D.C. – The Harvey Weinstein scandal is only the prelude to Hollywood’s best kept secret scandal, namely, widespread pedophilia in which older men, frequently acting as agents, engage … Click Here to Read more