Mark of the Beast in India: Require Fingerprint Scans for Food, Phones and Finances

NEW DELHI — Seeking to build an identification system of unprecedented scope, India is scanning the fingerprints, eyes and faces of its 1.3 billion residents and connecting the data to everything from welfare benefits to mobile phones. Civil libertarians are horrified, viewing the program, called Aadhaar, as Orwell’s Big Brother brought to life. To the … Click Here to Read more

Mark of the Beast and Marijuana

Hawaii Becomes First U.S. State To Go Cashless For Marijuana Sales

Activist Post – Hawaiian state officials announced Tuesday that Hawaii will be the first state to require the sale of marijuana to be cashless, paid with a special debit card payment system next month.

“Oct. 1 is our target date to try to go cashless as much as we can,” Iris Ikeda the state’s financial institutions commissioner, told reporters at a news conference.

While marijuana is legal for medical use in Hawaii, the feds still consider it a Schedule I drug. This status has brought problems for many banks and credit unions, which is the reason why cannabis dispensaries have been cash-only.

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Going by the Book: Implanted Microchip to Replace Credit Cards, Car Keys

For all of you Biblically Ignorant people: Revelation 13:16-18 “And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: 17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.”

Swedes already using biometric chip instead of train tickets

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Revelation 13 Cashless Society begins at Chicken shack

China’s KFC Introduces Facial Recognition Payment System

Activist Post – Step by step, facial recognition has been accepted by the general public for security; its appearance is proliferating at airports and at train stations around the world. With that acclimatization in full swing, facial recognition is also becoming a preference in the name of convenience as it is being adopted for conference check-ins and other events. Logically, the next incarnation purports security and convenience in the form of biometric payments using facial recognition.

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Bio metric IDs become Mandatory in Israel

Has Israel to become first nation to implement Mandatory Mark of the Beast Technology? Times of Israel – The Knesset on Monday passed a controversial law that will obligate all Israeli citizens to obtain biometric ID cards, with their personal information being stored in a national database. Proponents of the law say it is necessary … Click Here to Read more

Mark of the Beast System advancing without Opposition

In Cashless Sweden, Even God Now Takes Collection Via an App

That Bloomberg headline is Mocking God!

A growing number of Swedish parishes have started taking donations via mobile apps. Uppsala’s 13th-century cathedral also accepts credit cards.

The churches’ drive to keep up with the times is the latest sign of Sweden’s rapid shift to a world without notes and coins. Most of the country’s bank branches have stopped handling cash; some shops and museums now only accept plastic; and even Stockholm’s homeless have started accepting cards as payment for their magazine.

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Employees In Europe Getting Implanted With Microchips

They are in America and the rest of the world too!

It WILL become the latest Trendy thing to do and the Church WILL be right in line!

Mint Press News – Microchips are being implanted into volunteers to help them open doors and operate office equipment, and its become so popular that members of the Epicentre cyborg club hold regular parties for those with the tiny chips embedded in their hands.

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United Nations plan to Mark the World Population by 2030

If you believe the Bible is true, then you know it’s going to happen.

The “ Mark of the Beast” is a staple of prophecy, a development many evangelical Christians would take as a sign the end times have truly begun.

And Pastor Carl Gallups believes there are real, concrete indications the United Nations has already started making preparations to develop the very technology that could be used to register every single person on Earth.

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It’s in The Blood Part 9

THE RFID CHIP What’s it to YOU?


By Cynthia Pawl 7/10/16

We are rapidly advancing toward a world where everything will be accessed using a single RFID microchip. This microscopic implant can make your physical body machine readable and act as a universal identity token for navigating through a world increasing dominated by technology. Your RFID implant can provide instant, easy, secure access to your bank account, laptop, phone, car, office, motorcycle, and your own front door.

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Mark of the Beast WILL bring Spiritual Death Part 3

WHY THE MARK BRINGS SPIRITUAL DEATH PART 3 By Donna Wasson September 26, 2015 “So God created man in His own image, in the image of God created He him; male and female created He them.” Genesis 1:27 (KJV). The Book of Enoch is still part of the canon in Ethiopian and Coptic Christian Bibles. … Click Here to Read more

Hey Folks I have NOT made a deal with the devil to leave me alone like most of the Limp Wristed Faux preachers have!!

If you can spare a few dollars, or a bunch of them, please take a few moments and donate here.  Please forgive this Plea, but these are desperate times!