The Mark of the Beast System is in Place Folks

Covid Vaccination Tattoos, Biometrics & The Mark Of The Beast Prophecy News Watch – What was intended as a grab for attention may have much deeper ramifications after a student in Italy went viral on Tiktok for tattooing the barcode of his covid certificate on his arm. Twenty-two year old Andrea Colonnetta’s left arm now … Click Here to Read more

Show US Your Palm Serf

Palm Scanning Payment Coming To Whole Foods Mac Slavo | SHTF – You were warned. The rulers of the globe want everyone tracked, traced, vaccinated, surveilled, and enslaved. If they can’t do it with a microchip, they will use your unique biometric data. And that dystopian future is right around the corner. This probably only … Click Here to Read more

Tony Blair is Advocating a 21st Century Gestapo System

It’s Common Sense To Have Digital IDs Says Tony Blair It’s only common sense to Luciferian’s like ole Tony who are pushing for a One World Government, One World Religion, and the Mark of the Beast! Niamh Harris | News Punch – Former British Prime Minister Tony Blair believes it is “common sense to move … Click Here to Read more

Ghana Implements Mark of the Beast

Ahead Of International Identity Day, Ghana Parliament Votes To Change Their Constitution To Make Biometric ‘Ghana Card’ Only Legal Means Of ID A constitutional instrument to make the Ghana Card and Ghanaian passport the only legal ID credentials acceptable for verifying people in the new round of biometric voter registration has finally come into effect, … Click Here to Read more

Benjamin Netanyahu Proposes Mark of The Beast

Calls For All Children To Be Microchipped First Luke 21:25-28 “And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring; 26 Men’s hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which … Click Here to Read more

Bio metric IDs become Mandatory in Israel

Has Israel to become first nation to implement Mandatory Mark of the Beast Technology? Times of Israel – The Knesset on Monday passed a controversial law that will obligate all Israeli citizens to obtain biometric ID cards, with their personal information being stored in a national database. Proponents of the law say it is necessary … Click Here to Read more