Along with the Rise of Witchcraft, Black Magic and Satanism, an increase of Child Abuse and Child Sacrifice naturally follows!

Satan, the god of this world, god of Witchcraft and Satanism, demands a Human Sacrifice. He does not care how it is done, be it via Abortion, or direct Murder!  Psalms 1:15-16 “My son, walk not thou in the way with them; refrain thy foot from their path: 16 For their feet run to evil, … Click Here to Read more

The All Seeing Eye and the Occult Meaning

The One-Eye Sign: Its Origins and Occult Meaning Why are there so many pictures of celebrities hiding one eye? It is definitely not random. In fact, the One-Eye sign has a profound meaning and proves an important fact about the powers that be. This article looks at the origins and the meaning of the unescapable … Click Here to Read more

Louis Farrakhan claims to be Jesus?

Said it in ‘Saviours’ Day’ address: ‘I am the Messiah’ Matthew 24:24 “For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.” So if the elect, those TRULY BORN AGAIN, could ALMOST be decieved… where does that … Click Here to Read more

Islamic cleric in Nigeria caught Raping 5-year-old girl

He claims “he has been having a running battle with spiritual forces for years” and that “My enemies are many and they have been casting spells on me”!  Daily Post – The 43-year-old Islamic cleric, Abdulsalam Salaudeen, who was arrested by the Lagos state police command for allegedly raping a five-year-old Arabic schoolgirl has confessed … Click Here to Read more

Killing and Dying for the Houris: Islam’s Heavenly Whores

According to a December 5 Palestinian Media Watch report, Following a recent terror attack in which the terrorist stabbed and wounded 4 Israeli policemen, a host on official PA TV read a poem in the terrorist’s honor.  The poem glorifies Martyrdom-death in battle and states that the 72 “Dark-Eyed” Virgins in Paradise who the Martyr marries according … Click Here to Read more

Muslim Students become Possessed Jinn after Reading the Filthy Qur’an

Robert Spencer does not know what the signs of Demon Possession are because he is a Catholic. What happened with these people is they became possessed by Jinn which are Demons. See Genies or the Jinn of the Islamic religion  and Sheffield Imam performs Islamic Exorcism on Burka-wearing woman Malaysia: Female student starts screaming after … Click Here to Read more

Muslim Sacrifices 4 Year Old Daughter to Allah during Ramadan

Tells police that Satan made him do it. Told family that a Cat may be responsible for killing her!  Mail Online – A father has admitted cutting his four-year-old daughter’s throat as a sacrificial offering to God during Ramadan, Indian media have reported.  Nawab Ali Qureshi, 26, is said to have murdered young Rizwana on … Click Here to Read more

ISIS training handbook reveals Jihadists being taught Cannibalism, to EAT their Enemies!

The following is NOT for the weak. I post this because it is a growing problem around the world. It is NOT just in Islam. Involvement in Satanism, Witchcraft and the consumption of mind altering drugs has created a depraved society. Complied from many sources: A secret handbook has been discovered by Brit-based think-tank Quilliam Foundation … Click Here to Read more

Hebraic Madness Part 3

Hebraic Madness in Christ’s Church Part3 By: John Rosenstern The “Hebraic Roots Movement’s” most subtle, yet frightening, issue is its attraction to Jewish mysticism. The lure they’re using to attract Christians, and newly converted Jews, is sentimentally towards Israel and everything Jewish. Because Jewish and liberal Christian communities agree the Bible Canon can be perpetually … Click Here to Read more

Signs and Symbols of Cults and False Religions

Cults and False Religions of Islam, Mormonism, Jehovah’s Witness and others. You can be saved from Satan’s Snare. Find out how Here Categorized Signs and Symbols are at these links Satanism Gothic  Vampirism Witchcraft Paganism New Age Masons Secret Clubs Catholicism  Voodoo Racism  Racist groups False Religion – Cults Communism Socialism Antifa BLM Native American … Click Here to Read more