The Communist Democrats Monkey Pox Czar is a Hard Core Satanist and Sexual Pervert

Do you wonder why BAD things are happening all over America? Well the Lunatics have been unleashed—are in control of the government—and God is fed up! Won’t be long before the fire and brimstone begins to fall!! The Communist Democrats seem to love Satanists, Witches and Sexual Perverts. The ranks are fill up with them!! … Click Here to Read more

Normalizing Insanity: Cannibalism is Once Again Being Pushed by the Main Stream Media and the Lunatics in the Green Movement

Mainstream media persuading the public to normalize cannibalism and eat each other. 2nd Kings 6:25-29 “And there was a great famine in Samaria: and, behold, they besieged it, until an ass’s head was sold for fourscore pieces of silver, and the fourth part of a cab of dove’s dung for five pieces of silver. 26 … Click Here to Read more

The Suomen Sisu Symbol Meaning

This is a work In Progress so check back every couple days for updates   When you go hunting rabbits, you are usually led down several trails, or at least the rabbit dog is. If it is a really good trained hound, it will stick to just that one rabbit it is chasing. Then you … Click Here to Read more

Highland Park Killer Is A Deranged Occultist And Closeted Tranny

The Luciferians chose Heavily Gun Controlled, Democrat Run Chicago (Shitcago) to loose a Mind Controlled Lunatic to further their agenda!! There were a total of 71 shot, mostly Black on Black, in Lesbian Lunatic Lightfoot’s Chicago: At Least 71 Shot Over July 4th Weekend  See a list of Democrat Scum that has their roots in … Click Here to Read more

Taco Bell Goes Queer

Taco Bell Launches ‘Drag Brunch’ Events at Locations across America Want to lose weight? Go to Taco Bell and be Nauseated!!! Jay Greenberg | Neon Nettle – Taco Bell has announced its nationwide ‘Drag Brunch’ events. Men dressed in women’s clothing will ‘perform’ while customers eat Restaurant chain Taco Bell has announced its new “Drag … Click Here to Read more

Britney Spears Claims She Suffered Satanic Illuminati Rituals

Remember that Britney Spears was groomed by the Satanists and Pedophiles of Disney and Hellywood! Britney Spears detailed the “satanic” abuse she suffered at the hands of her “Illuminati” handlers during her 13-year conservatorship, including sickening sexual rituals, weekly blood transfusions, and MK-Ultra medical experiments. Spears described in a now-deleted Instagram post on Sunday how … Click Here to Read more

Necrophilist Colby Martin killed a 64-year-old Woman to Perform Sex Acts with Her Body

Driver Killed Retired Michigan Woman for Sex Acts with Body Necrophilia is a pathological fascination with dead bodies, which often takes the form of a desire to engage with them in sexual activities, such as intercourse. Though prohibited by the laws of many countries, there have been many reported cases of necrophilia throughout history. Source … Click Here to Read more

What’s Inside of YOU? The Eyes are the Window to the Soul

There are 2 possibilities. The Holy Spirit of God, which comes and dwells inside of you when you accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior, or an UN-holy spirit, aka a demon! There is only Light, Good…, or Darkness, Evil! Matthew 6:22-23 “The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be … Click Here to Read more

The Age of Aquarius Part 3 – Space Cadets

The saying “The World is going to Hell in a hand basket” is more true today than any other time in history…, IMHO! Technology has, and is, making it easier to tap into the Occult via that internet, mainly being spread by Social Media. See parts One and Two in the following posts Is the … Click Here to Read more

Did DC Comics Renounce Superman’s American Citizenship?

Or just converted him to the Lunatic Communist Democrat Mindset like they do the Children? He is now a Homosexual and a Globalist!!” What one generation allows in moderation, the next will practice it in excess” – Jon Watkins That is a variation I made up from this quote some years ago: “What one generation … Click Here to Read more

DC Comics Crime Fighters Robin and Superman are now Homosexuals

Robin Comes Out as Bisexual in DC Comics Batman’s beloved boy wonder sidekick, Robin, has come out as bisexual in a recent issue for DC Comics, a reveal that follows an ongoing trend throughout the comic book world. Though speculation about Robin’s sexuality has always been a part of the character’s mystique (see “Ambiguously Gay … Click Here to Read more