Lucifers Minions Are Being Manipulated Into Sacrificing Their Own Children

Luke 17:2 “It were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he cast into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones.” The US Government is urging its constituents to give their children a vaccine known to maim and kill And make NO MISTAKE, it IS … Click Here to Read more

More Than One Thousand Two Hundred Medical Conditions CAUSED by The Luciferians Kill Shot!

It is NOT a Vaccine if you don’t already know! It is meant to alter your DNA and make you into a TransHuman! To Save the Planet, Kill 90 Percent of People Off, Says UT Ecologist CHD Says Pfizer and FDA Dropped Data Bombshell on COVID Vaccine Consumers In this video a Bayer Executive Brags … Click Here to Read more

The Omicron Connection to Witchcraft Satanism and Pharmaceuticals

Pharmakia or Pharmakeia means Witchcraft and Sorceries Strongs Number G5331 Galatians 5:20 “Witchcraft”- Revelation 9:21 “Sorceries” – Revelation 18:23 “Sorceries” In 1963 the Italian film Omicron was released. It was about an Alien taking over a persons body to recon the planet for a future invasion! DEMON POSSESSION! It was produced by LUX Films which … Click Here to Read more

The Luciferians Are Coming After The Children

They could not Sacrifice them in the Womb to their god Lucifer, so they are doing it in the open with their poison vaccines! Like the tyrants of old, Resident Biden has no qualms about forcibly vaccinating America’s children with a bio weapon that has increased covid among the vaccinated. And as the numbers of … Click Here to Read more

Anthony Grim Reaper Fauci: Modern Angel of Death

Matthew 13:30 “Let both grow together until the harvest: and in the time of harvest I will say to the reapers, Gather ye together first the tares, and bind them in bundles to burn them: but gather the wheat into my barn.” Fauci’s name in Italian means sickle – the symbol of communism! By the … Click Here to Read more

Brazilian President Warns of Population Control

Another Warning for the Gaslighted Masses! Wake Up Folks! “Another requirement will come soon,” Bolsonaro warned, “And you know where it will stop? Population control.” Say what? Now where have I seen that kind of thinking written in stone? Why the Georgia Guide Stones of course!! Georgia Guide Stones Brazil’s Bolsonaro Unchained: ‘If You Accept … Click Here to Read more

Altering Your DNA Means YOU are NO LONGER Redeemable

India last month said that it had created the world’s first DNA vaccine, ZyCoV-D. While standard vaccines use actual ‘hardware’ protein, DNA vaccines use the ‘software’ blueprint of the virus If YOUR DNA is altered, then you are NO LONGER what God made you, and YOU are NO LONGER MADE IN HIS IMAGE! That will … Click Here to Read more

The Mark of the Beast System is in Place Folks

Covid Vaccination Tattoos, Biometrics & The Mark Of The Beast Prophecy News Watch – What was intended as a grab for attention may have much deeper ramifications after a student in Italy went viral on Tiktok for tattooing the barcode of his covid certificate on his arm. Twenty-two year old Andrea Colonnetta’s left arm now … Click Here to Read more

The Luciferian’s Are Not Happy: The Poison JAB Is NOT Killing Off the Population Fast Enough

Now the FOOLISH who have had up to Two Shots, (soon to be Multiple) will be Gaslighted into taking ‘Covid Pills’ TWICE a day! Dr. Death Fauci wants everyone to be Triple Vaccinated now! MAKE NO MISTAKE ABOUT IT!  This Bio-Weapon that was released has a THREE FOLD PLAN! One, to Depopulate the planet and … Click Here to Read more

Commandant De Blasio: NO ONE can Buy or Sell UNLESS they are Vaccinated in New York City

Comrade Biden and the rest of the Troop want the plan implemented Nation Wide! Revelation 13:16-18 “And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: 17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had … Click Here to Read more

Training the Sheep for the Mark of the Beast is Happening in the Philippines

Mayor in Philippines announces policy banning UN-vaccinated from supermarkets, grocery stores FROM LIFE SITE NEWS: Mayor Junard “Ahong” Chan of Lapu-Lapu, a city with a population of just under half a million, issued executive order No. 2021 – 040 on Monday, ordering COVID-19 related restrictions until August 25, claiming that there was a “surge” in … Click Here to Read more