What dose Micro-Needle Patch Vaccine – Scannable Quantum Dot – 5G and Nano-Tech have to do with the Mark of the Beast?

The Long-Planned Micro-Needle Patch Vaccine and its Scannable Quantum Dot, Along with the Nano Technology they have put into the Covid Vaccines, May be combined to produce the Mark of the Beast.  Dan Corner Believes The Real Mark Of The Beast Is The Long-Planned Micro-needle Patch Vaccine And Its Scannable Quantum Dot. I take it … Click Here to Read more

The Mark of the Beast System is in Place Folks

Covid Vaccination Tattoos, Biometrics & The Mark Of The Beast Prophecy News Watch – What was intended as a grab for attention may have much deeper ramifications after a student in Italy went viral on Tiktok for tattooing the barcode of his covid certificate on his arm. Twenty-two year old Andrea Colonnetta’s left arm now … Click Here to Read more

Digital Mark of the Beast is Hidden in the Covid-19 Coronavirus Vaccine

Bill Gates Funds Invisible Quantum Tattoo Hidden In Coronavirus Vaccine For Storing Vaccination History Greatgameindia.com – A project funded by Bill Gates aims to deliver an invisible quantum tattoo hidden in the coronavirus vaccine for storing your vaccination history. The researchers showed that their new dye, which consists of nanocrystals called quantum dots, can remain … Click Here to Read more

Forced Inoculation/Microchipping Pushed By UK State-Run Media

BBC confirms Bill Gates’ agenda for all travelers to be inoculated and micro-chipped to travel, work or leave home It’s 2022 and you’ve just arrived at the travel destination of your dreams. As you get off the plane, a robot greets you with a red laser beam that remotely takes your temperature. You’re still half … Click Here to Read more

What do the Deep State and the Chi-Comm Virus have in Common?

Revelation 13:16-18 “And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: 17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. … Click Here to Read more

Kanye “Brewster” West: “They Want to Put Chips Inside of Us”

See why his middle name is Brewster here in Kanye’s Millions Rapper calls vaccines “the mark of the beast.” James 1:8 “A double minded man is unstable in all his ways.” Paul Joseph Watson | Info Wars – Kanye West gave a wild interview to Forbes in which he asserted that vaccines were “the mark … Click Here to Read more

Stretch Armstrong Cartoon Shows People Lining Up to Take Implantable Digital ID

Netflix Kids Cartoon ‘Stretch Armstrong’ Shows People Lining Up To Take ‘SmartMark’ Implantable Digital Identification Geoffrey Grider | NTEB – Netflix began showing “Stretch Armstrong & The Flex Fighters” in 2017, and the episode in particular we are showing you here has the characters lining up to happily receive something called a ‘smartmark’, basically a … Click Here to Read more

The Sheep and Goats are READY: Guess what is Waiting to be Implemented?

The Sheep and Goats are fattened up and ready for what awaits them—The Slaughter House! You are being conditioned to accept the Mark of the Beast Whether you are a Sheep or a Goat it does not matter. You will be rounded up, and those who resist will be separated out and done away with! … Click Here to Read more