Training the Sheep for the Mark of the Beast is Happening in the Philippines

Mayor in Philippines announces policy banning UN-vaccinated from supermarkets, grocery stores FROM LIFE SITE NEWS: Mayor Junard “Ahong” Chan of Lapu-Lapu, a city with a population of just under half a million, issued executive order No. 2021 – 040 on Monday, ordering COVID-19 related restrictions until August 25, claiming that there was a “surge” in … Click Here to Read more

Will the Covid Strike Force and Gestapo Tactics Backfire?

I don’t know, they seem hell bent to get everyone in the world to take a Jab. Could this be the first step in implementation of the Mark of the Beast? Revelation 13:16-18 “And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, … Click Here to Read more