The New World Order We Were Warned Was Coming Is Now Here And America Will Never Be The Same

Medical Martial Law, Empty Shelves, Radical Socialism And More, All In The Name Of Control     By Susan Duclos – All News PipeLine 2021 should have been a real eye opener for those Independent Media warned about the “NWO” aka the New World Order, where chaos is created just so radical politicians can use … Click Here to Read more

Dirty Dianne Feinstein: Your Papers Please

Dirty Democrat Dianne Feinstein Introduces Bill To Require COVID Vaccination In Order To Fly Domestically ‘Papers please’ legislation introduced by Senator who was caught several times breaking mask mandate she endorsed   Democrat Communist Senator Dirty Dianne Feinstein has introduced legislation that would see Americans forced to be vaccinated or to provide a negative COVID … Click Here to Read more

The French are BLOCKED from BUYING FOOD if they do not have the COVID Mark of the Beast Passport

What do Tyrants and Luciferian’s do? They STARVE you into submission! The Brown Shirts will soon be doing the same thing here in America. They already do it in Australia Video out of France shows desperate shoppers being blocked from entering a supermarket by police because they don’t have COVID passports. The footage shows residents, … Click Here to Read more

Training the Sheep for the Mark of the Beast is Happening in the Philippines

Mayor in Philippines announces policy banning UN-vaccinated from supermarkets, grocery stores FROM LIFE SITE NEWS: Mayor Junard “Ahong” Chan of Lapu-Lapu, a city with a population of just under half a million, issued executive order No. 2021 – 040 on Monday, ordering COVID-19 related restrictions until August 25, claiming that there was a “surge” in … Click Here to Read more

Will the Covid Strike Force and Gestapo Tactics Backfire?

I don’t know, they seem hell bent to get everyone in the world to take a Jab. Could this be the first step in implementation of the Mark of the Beast? Revelation 13:16-18 “And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, … Click Here to Read more

CDC Says Trick-or-Treating a High Risk Activity

I agree with the CDC that it is a risk, but NOT for the reason the say. The RISK is becoming DEMON Possessed!!! Halloween The Eve of the Devil is a 12 part series. It would behoove you to read ALL 12 parts and see WHY you should NOT participate in anyway shape or form! … Click Here to Read more

Snakes in the Grass: Dr. Anthony Fauci, Dr. Francis Collins, Bill Gates and Many other Serpents!

Dr. Anthony Fauci is Stumping for Big Pharma, Bill Gates’ Mandatory Vaccine, and The Mark of the Beast System Genesis 3:1 “Now the serpent was more subtil than any beast of the field which the LORD God had made. And he said unto the woman, Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every … Click Here to Read more

Homosexual Tim Cook’s Apple demands Natural News stop writing about Abortions and Satanism

In a series of shocking “demand” emails containing screen captures showing lists of Natural News articles, Apple has demanded Natural News stop publishing articles critical of abortions or Satanism, threatening to block the Natural News app from all Apple devices if Apple’s demands are not met. This is the first time that a dominant tech company has … Click Here to Read more

Clergy Response Teams

Secret FEMA Plan To Use Pastors as Pacifiers in Preparation For Martial Law See the 33 page PDF file at the end of this article! And note the “33”!  That is the signature of the Illuminati! Nationwide initiative trains volunteers to teach congregations to “obey the government” during seizure of guns, property, forced inoculations and … Click Here to Read more