The Circle Back Lady

What we present here can’t be proven 100%, because it seems the Powers that be have scrubbed any information about Jan Psaki’s personal life, and her religious beliefs from the internet. There are two other high profile Jezebel’s who ARE witches and I prove it! Crooked Hillary Clinton, and Nasty Nancy Pelosi! Psaki is a … Click Here to Read more

You Can Now EAT Yourself: Scientists Create a Grow Your OWN Steak Kit!

Galatians 5:15  “But if ye bite and devour one another, take heed that ye be not consumed one of another.” You can now eat human steak, scientists insist it’s not cannibalism Alex Wilkins | Metro UK – If you’re feeling a bit peckish, why not have a nibble on meat grown from your own body? … Click Here to Read more