Mental Illness is caused by Demon Possession

Psychiatrist Admits Mental Illness Is Caused By Demonic Possession Sean Adl-Tabatabai | News Punch – A top New York psychiatrist has admitted that most patients who suffer from mental illness are actually suffering from demonic possession. Richard Gallagher, a board-certified psychiatrist and professor of clinical psychiatry at New York Medical College, says he has personally encountered … Click Here to Read more

Spanish town calls in an exorcist after Ghost Spooks a council meeting

Worker hears a strange rustling in the hallway

Folks there is no such thing as a ghost! What people are seeing and sensing are demon spirits that are wandering around looking for someone to possess. Read here: Ghosts, Goblins, Haunting’s and the Paranormal

Mirror – A council worker in Spain claimed he spotted a ghost lurking outside council offices in a small town outside Granada.

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Ghosts, Goblins, Haunting’s and the Paranormal

What does the Bible say about ghosts and hauntings? Jon Watkins  Exposing  Satanism and Witchcraft  September 2, 2013 Edited and revised by Cynthia Pawl on September 20, 2015 I would like to share an experience I had, in 2013, while working on a remodeling project. This was not my first or last encounter of its … Click Here to Read more