Taco Bell Goes Queer

Taco Bell Launches ‘Drag Brunch’ Events at Locations across America Want to lose weight? Go to Taco Bell and be Nauseated!!! Jay Greenberg | Neon Nettle – Taco Bell has announced its nationwide ‘Drag Brunch’ events. Men dressed in women’s clothing will ‘perform’ while customers eat Restaurant chain Taco Bell has announced its new “Drag … Click Here to Read more

Ignorant Hindu’s Worship Calf Born With Three Eyes and Four Nostrils

Exodus 20:4-5 “Thou shalt have no other gods before me. 4 Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth: 5 Thou shalt not bow down thyself to … Click Here to Read more

Apostate Southern Baptist Leader Says There Is an Obligation to Take Covid-19 Vaccine and Andrew Yang Wants to Mark You With a Barcode!

They are Hell bent on forcing us to accept the Mark of the Beast System—and the Sad thing is—MOST will Bow to BAAL! Southern Baptist head Al Mohler manipulates flock, suggests Christians have biblical obligation to take “ Mark of the Beast” COVID-19 vaccine Ethan Huff – A prominent leader within the largest non- Catholic … Click Here to Read more

A Match Made in Hell Or Just in Someone’s Twisted Mind? Satan and a Woman Named 2020 Meet and Fall in Love!

As if ads could not get any more perverted and satanic, Dating Site Match.com takes the cake. The message of Evil is Good and Good is Evil (Isaiah 5:20-21) is not subliminal any longer. Their SATANIC message is now in your face and to the point. They are pulling no punches! Satan and 2020 are … Click Here to Read more

Religious Superstition

Couple creeped out by secret ‘medieval witchcraft pouch’ underneath their stairs A renovation project turned in to a history lesson about ancient occult practices when a stash of shoes, skulls and a half-eaten hat were found in a bricked up chamber A couple got more than they bargained for when they decided to do up … Click Here to Read more

New Age Witch Marianne Williamson Justifies Rioting and Theft in Philadelphia by the Domestic Terrorists Antifa and BLM

Exodus 20:15 “Thou shalt not steal.” Paul Joseph Watson | Info Wars – Former Democratic presidential candidate Marianne Williamson justified another night of riots and looting in Philadelphia by claiming that there’s nothing in the Bible which tells people not to steal. Yes, really. Numerous stores were trashed and looted while police officers were attacked … Click Here to Read more

Kanye West and Joel Osteen Mock Jesus

Kanye West With Special Guest Joel Osteen Hold A ‘Sunday Service’ In Atlanta Where They Both Mock Jesus By Pretending To Walk On Water Kanye West made a dramatic entrance to his Sunday Service in Atlanta on the weekend as he appeared to ‘walk on water’. The third-party presidential candidate was joined by his seven-year-old … Click Here to Read more

Communist Antifa Anarchists in Portland Oregon Roll out a Guillotine on Night 86 of Riots!

Antifa is pulling a page from the Islamist’s Terror book, and are now promoting Beheadings! The Bible says that we Christians, and ALL those of other Religions who oppose the Anti-Christ, WILL be BEHEADED! Revelation 20:4 The Portland Police Bureau issued an official statement describing “rocks, bottles and dangerous items” that were thrown at police, … Click Here to Read more

Gaslighted America: You are Under a Spell!

Yes, a mass spell has been cast over really gullible Americans. (It is still happening to this day, see the link) I can’t speak for the rest of the world, but I have seen reports that many countries have been delivered from the Witchcraft. For example, and there are more: Netherlands Refuses To Mandate Face … Click Here to Read more

Domestic Terrorist Giant Yahoo: Pushes to Replace the Star-Spangled Banner with Satanist John Lennon’s Socialism Song Imagine

Yahoo is an evil organization that hates America and God! They want Lennon’s song to replace the National Anthem because the Communists want people to forget God, remove him from their minds and society! Imagine that! Pun intended! More on Lennon, the Beatles and their hero, Aleister Crowley the master Satanist after this quick news. … Click Here to Read more

Paris Jackson Portrays Jesus as a Lesbian Woman

Michael Jackson’s Daughter to Portray Jesus as a Lesbian Woman in New Controversial Film Jon Watkins and Cynthia Pawl June 23, 2020 Controversial Film? No Blasphemous porn flick is what it will be! But this Harlot and the others who have any part in this can be forgiven! Matthew 12:31 “Wherefore I say unto you, … Click Here to Read more