Paula White: Claims She went to Heaven and saw God in the Throne Room?

Rocker Husband Jonathan Cain must have gotten hold of some really good drugs!! End Times Heretic And False Teacher Paula White Makes Outrageous Claim That She Was Taken To Heaven And Saw The Face Of God In The Throne Room Geoffrey Grider | NTEB – Paula White, a prosperity gospel preacher and current White House … Click Here to Read more

Lakewood Church and Prosperity Pimp Osteen Spend around 88.8 Million Dollars each year on Nonsense and a Measly 1.2 Million to reach the Lost

Colossians 2:8 “Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ.” If the Cheshire Cats Father John Osteen were able to come back from heaven for a few brief minutes, I believe he would backhand his Judas son … Click Here to Read more

Word of Faith Preacher is eaten by Crocodiles as he tries to Walk on Water!

Apparently, this preacher had never read the following scripture and was listening to the devil egging him on!

Luke 4:12-13 “And Jesus answering said unto him, It is said, Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God.13 And when the devil had ended all the temptation, he departed from him for a season.”

There are a few more Word of Faith, Prosperity Preaching Pimps, who need to exercise their faith as well. I will be happy to fund raise for their trip to Africa if they have not fleeced enough money from the stupid sheep.

Information Nigeria – A pastor from a local church in White River Mpumalanga died this morning trying to demonstrate a biblical miracle to his congregants.

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Hyper Faith Part 3

Hyper-Faith: New Gnosticism – Part 3 Jimmy Swaggart Sept 2014 We are given very little Scriptural information about Daniel, Chapter 11, Verse 44, where tidings out of the east and the north will cause the Antichrist great problems. From what little we are told, it is obvious that something big will happen at that time. … Click Here to Read more

Hyper Faith Part 2

Hyper-Faith: New Gnosticism – Part 2 Jimmy Swaggart Aug 2014 OVER THE YEARS, I’VE read testimony after testimony from dear Christians who have struggled to carry unnecessary burdens put on them by so-called “faith teachers.” These “Word” people, as they are known, have convinced a generation that when the believer’s faith fails in their formula … Click Here to Read more

Hyper Faith Part 1

HYPER-FAITH: NEW GNOSTICISM? Part 1 1st. Timothy 6:20-21 “O Timothy, keep that which is committed to thy trust, avoiding profane and vain babblings, and oppositions of science falsely so called: Which some professing have erred concerning the faith.” BY Jimmy Swaggart July 2014 DIFFICULT If this is not the most difficult article I have ever … Click Here to Read more

Hebraic Madness Part 4

Hebraic Madness Part 4 By: John Rosenstern History Does Judaism today resemble what God had originally conveyed in the Pentateuch? What is the foundation of the modern Hebraic Roots Movement? To answer these questions, let us examine some history. In so doing, we can evaluate which element modern Judaism and the “Christian” Hebraic Movement resemble … Click Here to Read more

Hebraic Madness Part 3

Hebraic Madness in Christ’s Church Part3 By: John Rosenstern The “Hebraic Roots Movement’s” most subtle, yet frightening, issue is its attraction to Jewish mysticism. The lure they’re using to attract Christians, and newly converted Jews, is sentimentally towards Israel and everything Jewish. Because Jewish and liberal Christian communities agree the Bible Canon can be perpetually … Click Here to Read more

Hebraic Madness Part 2

Hebraic Madness in Christ’s Church Part 2 By: John Rosenstern The Hebraic Roots Movement (HRM) also encompasses Messianic Judaism. Both are, in fact, one and the same just packaged differently in order to deceive more people. Messianic Judaism is merely a steppingstone for the Hebraic Roots Movement. The entire Movement resembles the Judaisers of Paul’s … Click Here to Read more

Hebraic Madness Part 1

Hebraic Madness in Christ’s Church Part 1 By: John Rosenstern There have been many streams of error that have flowed into the church over the last several decades: “The Word of Faith Movement”, “The Shepherding Movement”, “The Purpose Driven Life Movement”, “The Government of Twelve Movement”, to name a few. Along side and in relation … Click Here to Read more