Satanism Is The Force Of Evil Behind The Unbridled Chaos Happening All Across The Planet 

I will add the Witchcraft is just a big a problem as the evil force behind it is the same false god Satan, Lucifer, the Devil! John 10:10 “The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have … Click Here to Read more

Spirit Cooker Marina Abramovic: “I am not a Satanist”

Well what the hell is she then? A reincarnated Mother Teresa? She surely is NOT a Christian! Anyone with at least 2 active brain cells can see from her videos and images that she is akin to one! Oh and the Fake News Rag is defending this Harlot of Hell – Evil Manifesting out of the … Click Here to Read more

Black Pope Claims Satan is Not Real

One of the primary agencies that Satan has worked through in the past and is still working through today to keep people entrapped in deception is none other than the Roman Catholic Church.  That is one of the reasons that the Bible clearly identifies this entity by its unique and obvious characteristics, multiple times in … Click Here to Read more

Satanism Infiltrates North Carolina State University as a Student Club

Now if this would have been a Christian club, the Atheist groups, the Secular Humanists, who are no more than Satanists themselves, who have a hissy-fit and filed lawsuits. But they are brethren in a common agenda to kick God out of society. They will fail! FOTM – William Nardi reports for The College Fix, … Click Here to Read more

Lakewood Church and Prosperity Pimp Osteen Spend around 88.8 Million Dollars each year on Nonsense and a Measly 1.2 Million to reach the Lost

Colossians 2:8 “Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ.” If the Cheshire Cats Father John Osteen were able to come back from heaven for a few brief minutes, I believe he would backhand his Judas son … Click Here to Read more