Satanism and Atheism is the Religious Force Behind Transgenderism

Why are women are the number one enemy of the coming Technocracy? Because GOD Said: Proverbs 31:10 “Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies.” Women are the givers of life and are critical to humanity’s life cycle, which is why the Satanic technocracy is using transgender ideology to dehumanize … Click Here to Read more

What dose Micro-Needle Patch Vaccine – Scannable Quantum Dot – 5G and Nano-Tech have to do with the Mark of the Beast?

The Long-Planned Micro-Needle Patch Vaccine and its Scannable Quantum Dot, Along with the Nano Technology they have put into the Covid Vaccines, May be combined to produce the Mark of the Beast.  Dan Corner Believes The Real Mark Of The Beast Is The Long-Planned Micro-needle Patch Vaccine And Its Scannable Quantum Dot. I take it … Click Here to Read more

The Globalists are Anti Human and are Readying Themselves for a Post-Human World

The Good News? Prophecy is on schedule, Jesus is coming soon, and Hell awaits the Globalists and Minions of the NWO The psychotic elite have unleashed their minions upon humanity. And as art imitates life and vice versa. These minions, drunk with power, never fail to brag about the demonic mission that they will eventually … Click Here to Read more

As in the Days of Noah: The Genetic Sabotage Of Humanity

The elite seek total control over the human genome, and therefore the evolutionary destiny of mankind. While the social engineers of the United Nations slowly force Agenda 2030 through the manufactured totalitarian Covid lockdown scheme, a decades-old secret human cloning and hybrid operation is testing the water of public scrutiny. It’s an operation that will … Click Here to Read more

Is Bill Gates One of Satan’s HUMAN Archangels?

It would seem so!! Satan’s Archangel, Bill Gates, Is Preparing the Final Assault Upon All of Humanity Dave Hodges | Common Sense Show If this article were a court case, it would begin with a presentation of established scientific, political and economic facts. Once discovery was completed, testimony would be offered in order to demonstrate … Click Here to Read more

Soul Phone: Dial up 666 the Devil and his Demons Part 4

We are on our way to the fictional world of the Borg! See Part 1  Part 2  Part 3 also Just after I finished part 3, I was going through some links I needed to post in the News Alert. What is posted below from Now the End Begins and fits right in with where … Click Here to Read more

Upgrading humans into GODS will be the next billion dollar industry

It is the same ole blah blah blah that the Serpent whispered to Eve in the garden of Eden:

Genesis 3:5 “For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil.”

Yes, Adam and Eve found out what Good and Evil are and they did NOT become gods as Satan suggested! What they got was being gods in their OWN eyes and constructs and it is STILL happening today. Isaiah said it best: Isaiah 5:20-23 “Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!21 Woe unto them that are wise in their own eyes, and prudent in their own sight!22 Woe unto them that are mighty to drink wine, and men of strength to mingle strong drink:23 Which justify the wicked for reward, and take away the righteousness of the righteous from him!

Daily Mail – The next billion dollar industry will not be a service or product – it will be upgrading humans, an expert has revealed.

It has been suggested that humans will have access to technology that will allow them to ‘upgrade themselves into gods’.

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