Louis Farrakhan claims to be Jesus?

Said it in ‘Saviours’ Day’ address: ‘I am the Messiah’ Matthew 24:24 “For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.” So if the elect, those TRULY BORN AGAIN, could ALMOST be decieved… where does that … Click Here to Read more

Islamic cleric in Nigeria caught Raping 5-year-old girl

He claims “he has been having a running battle with spiritual forces for years” and that “My enemies are many and they have been casting spells on me”!  Daily Post – The 43-year-old Islamic cleric, Abdulsalam Salaudeen, who was arrested by the Lagos state police command for allegedly raping a five-year-old Arabic schoolgirl has confessed … Click Here to Read more

Killing and Dying for the Houris: Islam’s Heavenly Whores

According to a December 5 Palestinian Media Watch report, Following a recent terror attack in which the terrorist stabbed and wounded 4 Israeli policemen, a host on official PA TV read a poem in the terrorist’s honor.  The poem glorifies Martyrdom-death in battle and states that the 72 “Dark-Eyed” Virgins in Paradise who the Martyr marries according … Click Here to Read more

Muslim Students become Possessed Jinn after Reading the Filthy Qur’an

Robert Spencer does not know what the signs of Demon Possession are because he is a Catholic. What happened with these people is they became possessed by Jinn which are Demons. See Genies or the Jinn of the Islamic religion  and Sheffield Imam performs Islamic Exorcism on Burka-wearing woman Malaysia: Female student starts screaming after … Click Here to Read more

Muslim Sacrifices 4 Year Old Daughter to Allah during Ramadan

Tells police that Satan made him do it. Told family that a Cat may be responsible for killing her!  Mail Online – A father has admitted cutting his four-year-old daughter’s throat as a sacrificial offering to God during Ramadan, Indian media have reported.  Nawab Ali Qureshi, 26, is said to have murdered young Rizwana on … Click Here to Read more

Witch Doctor in India Kills Woman in attempted Exorcism!

Satan has people do some really stupid stuff!  In their belief that they are helping a person, they often make matters far worse for the poor soul that is afflicted by demons! It is of course the goal of Satan to inflict harm and death on the victim.  John 10:10 “The thief cometh not, but … Click Here to Read more

Muslims seeking Exorcisms from Catholic Priests to Battle against the Devil and Witchcraft

Let me make a statement right off the bat. If Catholicism is this great church of God and according to them is the only way to be saved, Why are so many Catholics becoming Demon Possessed? Read that here. You would think that everyone would flock to the church for protection! Only problem is Satan … Click Here to Read more

Sheffield Imam performs Islamic Exorcism on Burka-wearing woman

ALL Muslims are Demon Possessed! The 29-year-old woman had sought help at the Sheffield mosque after suffering from various symptoms including vomiting, pain in the womb, headaches, back pain and poor memory. The manifestation shown in the video below only shows the hierarchy of the demonic realm. Here is what is happening. The more powerful … Click Here to Read more

5-year-old Girl taken from Christian Family, Given to Muslims and Forced to Learn Arabic

Prison Planet – A sickening case has emerged in Tower Hamlets, London of a young girl aged just 5 being forced to live with foster carers who took away her Christian cross and demanded that she learn Arabic. The Muslim carers wore a niqab and burka covering their face In a report seen by The Times, … Click Here to Read more

15 Teenagers Treated for Rabies after Sex with Donkey

While this is Islam and the Quran allows, this is Christianity and what the Bible says!

Leviticus 18:23  “Neither shalt thou lie with any beast to defile thyself therewith: neither shall any woman stand before a beast to lie down thereto: it is confusion.”

Morocco – Fifteen minors who sexually assaulted a donkey in the small rural town of Sidi Kamel in the communal providence of Sidi Kacem have been treated for rabies infections received from the animal.

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Religious leader Attacked: Holy man tries to cast out Demon and gets beaten!

A video shows an “evil spirit” manifesting in the wrong person during an attempted exorcism on another person. A man sitting against the wall goes berserk, flailing around and hitting the holy man with his fists. The “religious leader”, seems to be in the process of performing the ritual on a different man. Not being … Click Here to Read more