The Age of Aquarius Part 3 – Space Cadets

The saying “The World is going to Hell in a hand basket” is more true today than any other time in history…, IMHO! Technology has, and is, making it easier to tap into the Occult via that internet, mainly being spread by Social Media. See parts One and Two in the following posts Is the … Click Here to Read more

New Age Witch Marianne Williamson Officially throws Presidential bid into the Cauldron!

“I’m inviting the American people to get deep with me,” she said. “It’s time for that in order to address these times and to transform them.” The Witches Cauldron of Globalism, Communism, Socialism and Infanticide in the Party of Death and Destruction is filling up fast. You need to turn up the heat to maximum … Click Here to Read more

The Age of Aquarius Part 2 – Tapping into the 4th and 5th Dimensions via Mind Altering Drugs

Satanic Manifestations from Psychedelic compound DMT and other Mind Altering Chemicals 1st Corinthians 2:12 “Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the spirit which is of God; that we might know the things that are freely given to us of God.”  LSD making comeback as professionals drop ACID before work With … Click Here to Read more

The Age of Aquarius – In Full Swing? Part 1

This writing started out as just a simple connection between Mind Altering Drugs and the hit song “The Age of Aquarius” by the 60’s group The Fifth Dimension It has morphed into much more.  We will get to the basis of this article in part 2, but first let us preface as to why people … Click Here to Read more