Oprah’s Psychic Quits – Claims There Are Too Many Pedophiles in Her Circle to Be a Coincidence

Oprah Winfrey is the epitome of Matthew 7:15-16 “Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. 16 Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?” Oprah is not a prophet of the True God in Heaven. She … Click Here to Read more

Hypocrite Racist Oprah Winfrey

New Age Pedophile Witch Oprah Winfrey Bashing White People during her Racist show, on a Pure WHITE set—with Pure WHITE furniture—wearing Pure WHITE pants! This is nothing compared to what you will learn about this Wicked Jezebel in another article. She is a full blown Pedophile who is into child sacrifice! “Whites have a leg … Click Here to Read more

New Age Witch Oprah Winfrey Leads a Black Lives Matters Ransom Summit With List of Demands for America

I am not going to post the video of the Racists idiocy. I am sure YouTube will have them prominently displayed. What I will post is this blasphemous Witch’s comments about Jesus and wanting white people to die below. She was joined by far-left Democrat Jezebels like Fat Ass, Big Mouth Stacey Abrams and Atlanta … Click Here to Read more

How Oprah Winfrey helped promote a Mass Rapist who ran a Child Slave Farm

Eathen Huff | Evil News – Back in 2010, talk show guru Oprah Winfrey dedicated an entire episode of her show to a self-professing “faith healer” with whom she claims she had a “blissful” encounter. But as we recently reported, this “faith healer” has since been exposed as a serial rapist who had actually been … Click Here to Read more

New Age Witch Marianne Williamson Officially throws Presidential bid into the Cauldron!

“I’m inviting the American people to get deep with me,” she said. “It’s time for that in order to address these times and to transform them.” The Witches Cauldron of Globalism, Communism, Socialism and Infanticide in the Party of Death and Destruction is filling up fast. You need to turn up the heat to maximum … Click Here to Read more

Oprah Winfrey helped promote John of god , the Brazilian Witch-doctor who Raped at least 300 Women!

 John of god is not of the True God of the Bible. He is of the false wanna-be god Diablo, Satan, Lucifer, and that is where his power is coming from! Oprah Winfrey is a Practicing Witch. Like many of the Charlatans, False Prophets and Jezebels she promoted on her show, She is a Fake, … Click Here to Read more

New Age Witch Marianne Williamson looking into 2020 Presidential Run

Socialists and Witches running for president?  We are in trouble Folks!!! This Witch is the worse kind there is! She is into Ritual Black Magick. The same black magick Aleister Crowley who was know as the Beast was into. (Info below) I am sure she is part of the spell casting that takes each month … Click Here to Read more

Oprah Winfrey Part 2: What god does she Worship?

When Oprah calls on God, who is she invoking? What god does she worship? Let’s take a look at how Oprah claims her beliefs about God were formed If you landed here first, go read Part 1 here Most of this was researched and complied by Cynthia Pawl March 17, 2018 1st Corinthians 2:14-16 “But … Click Here to Read more

Oprah Winfrey Part 1: Former Hooker, alleged Lesbian, New Age Guru and Practicing Witch

Oprah Winfrey says There’s only one thing that could make her run for president in 2020. Proverbs 9:13 “A foolish woman is clamorous: she is simple, and knoweth nothing.” “I want all the girls watching here now to know that a new day is on the horizon!” Oprah Winfrey declared at the Golden Globes on … Click Here to Read more