Demonic Portal Swirling Like a Cauldron is Visible Above the White House

We will get to the story, but first this. There are many of these portals being seen around the world since C.E.R.N was brought online. CERN Collider opening the gates of Hell? These are Portal/Gates to the Spirit World, and Hell, which God has forbidden to be opened or peered into. Necromancy – Channeling – … Click Here to Read more

The Age of Aquarius Part 3 – Space Cadets

The saying “The World is going to Hell in a hand basket” is more true today than any other time in history…, IMHO! Technology has, and is, making it easier to tap into the Occult via that internet, mainly being spread by Social Media. See parts One and Two in the following posts Is the … Click Here to Read more

Child Indoctrination Into the Occult: Mix Your Potion and Make Your Pet in a Witchcraft Cauldron

Leviticus 20:3-6 “And I will set my face against that man, and will cut him off from among his people; because he hath given of his seed unto Molech, to defile my sanctuary, and to profane my holy name. 4 And if the people of the land do any ways hide their eyes from the … Click Here to Read more


Space Pagans and Smartphone Witches too! More on them below. Never heard of WitchTok? It is another medium (pun intended) where Witches and other Occultists gather on the Hell-hole TikTok to spread the poison of their craft! Leviticus 19:31 “Regard not them that have familiar spirits, neither seek after wizards, to be defiled by them: … Click Here to Read more

Now Microsoft Is Making Sure You Are Condemned to Hell

The next thing that will crop up are Entities being downloaded into the Sex Robots. Have sex with Marylin Monroe will be prime time advertisement! “The specific person [who the chat bot represents] may correspond to a past or present entity (or a version thereof), such as a friend, a relative, an acquaintance, a celebrity, … Click Here to Read more

Amazon’s Alexa Is About to Connect You With the Spirit World

Amazon’s Alexa Is About to Connect You With the Spirit World “Your smart speaker could become a smart spooker” – Ruki Sayid.   Alexi has a new program called ‘GHOST BOT” that could allow your dead loved ones to speak to you from the grave and beyond.  And if you fall for the deception, those spirits … Click Here to Read more

CDC Says Trick-or-Treating a High Risk Activity

I agree with the CDC that it is a risk, but NOT for the reason the say. The RISK is becoming DEMON Possessed!!! Halloween The Eve of the Devil is a 12 part series. It would behoove you to read ALL 12 parts and see WHY you should NOT participate in anyway shape or form! … Click Here to Read more

Practicing BLM Witch Patrisse Cullors calls for Black Lives Matter to be a Spiritual Movement

It already IS. This is the War in the Spirit World—that has spilled over into the Physical World—and Demons are Manifesting in the Communist Anarchists Democrats!  Leviticus 20:6 “And the soul that turneth after such as have familiar spirits, and after wizards, to go a whoring after them, I will even set my face against … Click Here to Read more

Black Lives Matter leader takes part in an Occult Ritual Dressed as a Winged Demon

Black Lives Matter Founder Takes Part in Bizarre Occult Ritual ‘Trained Marxist’ dresses as winged demon in strange art event Adan Salazar | News Wars – A bizarre video shows a prominent Black Lives Matter leader taking part in an occult ritual in which she dresses as a winged demon and prays for her incarcerated … Click Here to Read more

Proof there are Very Dark Forces behind Black Lives Matter

“Hail Satan”: After Terrorizing Churches, BLM Witchcraft Exposed Alex Newman | The New American – There is now proof that there are very dark forces behind Black Lives Matter, and it’s not just the blatant Marxism of its founders and leaders. The darkness literally includes summoning dead spirits and allowing them to work through BLM … Click Here to Read more

Necromancy – Channeling – Praying or Speaking to the Dead

If you are praying to dead people, You are NOT in contact with a lost loved one or someone who died hundreds of years ago. What you are in contact with, and praying to, are fallen angels, demons and even Satan himself! When a person dies, their Soul and Spirit are in one of two … Click Here to Read more