Witches Curse and Hex President Trump’s Re-Election! Will It Work This Time?

Since the President was Candidate Trump, gaggles and covens of Witches have been sending Curses and Hexes at the Waning Moon to remove him from office. Witches and Pagans gone Loco! Casting Spells and Magick at President and Supporters during Waning Moon! Is the dark side conjuring of demons and fallen angels hindering the remaining … Click Here to Read more

Women’s March Witches: The Enemy God and Humanity always out themselves

Women’s March Now Advocating Witchcraft and “Casting Spells” to Push Their Agenda These Jezebel’s—these Silly Women—these Radical Feminists—these man hating nasty women—these baby murderers—these Witches are finally showing their true colors. Leviticus 19:31 “Regard not them that have familiar spirits, neither seek after wizards, to be defiled by them: I am the LORD your God.” … Click Here to Read more

New Age Witch finds out how Evil the Luciferians really are!

Marianne Williamson: ‘I Didn’t Think the Left Lied like This’ Tony Lee | Breitbart News – Presidential candidate Marianne Williamson (D) revealed that she did not think the left was “so mean” and “lied like this” until she ran for president as an outsider candidate. “I know this sounds naive. I didn’t think the left … Click Here to Read more

Official Lutheran Church is really a Coven of Witches

Practice Goddess Worship: Shamanic Journeying, Crystals, and a Sacred Dance To Ishtar Leviticus 19:31 “Regard not them that have familiar spirits, neither seek after wizards, to be defiled by them: I am the LORD your God.” Revelation 21:8 “But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and … Click Here to Read more

Practicing Witch put on Staff at Supposed Christian Church

Just another Silly Woman laden with Sin! Vision Church of Atlanta adds psychic medium to ministerial staff Christian Post – The Vision Church of Atlanta, Georgia, a progressive congregation, has added a psychic medium who claims to commune with the dead to their staff. Deuteronomy 18:10 -11-12 “There shall not be found among you any … Click Here to Read more

New Age Witch Marianne Williamson Officially throws Presidential bid into the Cauldron!

“I’m inviting the American people to get deep with me,” she said. “It’s time for that in order to address these times and to transform them.” The Witches Cauldron of Globalism, Communism, Socialism and Infanticide in the Party of Death and Destruction is filling up fast. You need to turn up the heat to maximum … Click Here to Read more

New Age Witch Marianne Williamson looking into 2020 Presidential Run

Socialists and Witches running for president?  We are in trouble Folks!!! This Witch is the worse kind there is! She is into Ritual Black Magick. The same black magick Aleister Crowley who was know as the Beast was into. (Info below) I am sure she is part of the spell casting that takes each month … Click Here to Read more

A Witch that casts out Demons? NOT!

This woman is as confused as Witch Hillary Clinton! A self-proclaimed Witch says she is an Exorcist that battles and casts out demons and evil spirits. Claims to cure the “possessed” three-times-a-week and claims she cast a spell which forced out all but one of her nearest neighbors. In an interview with News.com.au: “I did … Click Here to Read more

Singer Lana Del Rey is a Witch among other things!

See Witches and Pagans gone Loco! Casting Spells and Magick at President and Supporters during Waning Moon!  also read  Prophets of Baal WILL fail once again, Trump still President! Raw Story – Singer Lana Del Rey, best known for her hit songs “Video Games” and “Summertime Sadness,” has now admitted in an interview that she … Click Here to Read more

Witches and Pagans gone Loco! Casting Spells and Magick at President and Supporters during Waning Moon!

First Caldron of Magick and Spell Casting to commence February 24, 2017!  Witches (Lunatics) are planning a mass witchcraft spell starting at the waning moon, Friday, Feb. 24 to curse President Trump in an attempt to  get him “removed from office.” The curse is also directed “to all those who abet him”, Meaning all who … Click Here to Read more