Satanic Temple Breeder Whore Jex Blackmore Takes Abortion Pill on Live TV

It seems the news will not tell you that this Evil Jezebel is a Satanist! I guess Fox 2 Detroit loves Child Sacrifice just as much as the Satanists do!!! Abortion rights activist Jex Blackmore claims to take mail-order abortion pill live on TV: “I want to show you how easy it is & safe … Click Here to Read more

Whining Satanists: Satanic Temple Sues an Advertising Company

Satanic Temple Sues Advertiser for Refusing To Run Billboard for “ Religious Abortion Ritual” Elizabeth Johnston Website – The Satanic Temple is taking an advertising company to court over its refusal to run billboards touting the group’s “ religious abortion ritual,” which it claims help Satanists bypass abortion regulations in some states. According to Disrn, … Click Here to Read more

Homosexual Tim Cook’s Apple demands Natural News stop writing about Abortions and Satanism

In a series of shocking “demand” emails containing screen captures showing lists of Natural News articles, Apple has demanded Natural News stop publishing articles critical of abortions or Satanism, threatening to block the Natural News app from all Apple devices if Apple’s demands are not met. This is the first time that a dominant tech company has … Click Here to Read more