The Enemy of Humanity is More Popular Than Ever!

Satan Has Become One Of The Hottest Spiritual Figures In America 2nd Corinthians 11:14-15 “And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. 15 Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works.” By Michael … Click Here to Read more

SatanCon 2023: Supposed to Be the Largest Satanic Gathering in History

Just a bunch of Communist/Anarchist LGBTQPXYZ Punks gathering to do dope and spread S.T.D’s! 2nd Corinthians 11:14-15 “And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. 15 Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their … Click Here to Read more

Lucifer’s Minions Declare That Abortion Is A Religious Ritual

With the news of the SCOTUS about to overturn Roe v Wade that made Sacrifice to Lucifer, aka Satan legal, the Demonic Clowns in the Satanic Temple have declared that Abortion is their Religious Ritual. That proves it to be CHILD SACRIFICE to their fallen angel Satan. Psalms 106:37-43 “Yea, they sacrificed their sons and … Click Here to Read more

Satanic Temple is Recruiting Elementary School Children

An Elementary School In Illinois Is Passing Out Flyers Promoting An “After School Satan Club” If they can’t get them in the Womb, they will get them in the Schools!  You can be assured that all of those in charge are Satanists and or Witches! School District Defends ‘After School Satan Club’ for 1st-5th Graders: … Click Here to Read more

Army Promotes Satanism in Their Effort to Push Mandatory Vaccines

The U.S. Army doing PR for Satanism! Not surprising as the hierarchy are Luciferians! Host Tucker Carlson revealed a bizarre powerpoint slide that was presented to U.S. Army service members in an effort to get them on board with mandatory COVID vaccinations. The slide sardonically asks “how many children have been sacrificed to Satan for … Click Here to Read more

Snap Chat is Promoting Child Sacrifice

Snap Chat pushes video on their trending section explaining how the Satanic Temple uses religious loopholes to allow abortions procedures. Snap Chat is promoting a video on its trending section explaining how the Satanic Temple is using legal and religious loopholes to get around abortion laws.   Satanic Temple Jezebels are Breeder Whores   Breeder … Click Here to Read more

Whining Satanists: Satanic Temple Sues an Advertising Company

Satanic Temple Sues Advertiser for Refusing To Run Billboard for “ Religious Abortion Ritual” Elizabeth Johnston Website – The Satanic Temple is taking an advertising company to court over its refusal to run billboards touting the group’s “ religious abortion ritual,” which it claims help Satanists bypass abortion regulations in some states. According to Disrn, … Click Here to Read more

Satanic Ritual Abortions to take Advantage of Religious Liberty Laws

When a Woman gets an Abortion, she is Sacrificing that Child in a Blood Ritual to Satan!! The Satanic Temple Promotes “Satanic Ritual Abortions” To Take Advantage of Religious Liberty Laws Vigilant Citizen – The Satanic Temple created a ruse to avoid state requirements prior to abortions: They invented a satanic ritual to be performed … Click Here to Read more

Devil’s Advocate Scholarship

Satanic Temple Announces ‘Devil’s Advocate Scholarship’ for High School Graduates Galatians 6:3 “For if a man think himself to be something, when he is nothing, he deceiveth himself.” The Blaze – The Satanic Temple wants to award two lucky 2020 high school graduates with a “Devil’s Advocate Scholarship” this summer, CNN reported Wednesday. The organization, … Click Here to Read more

Satanic Temple at War with ‘In God We Trust’ Again

It is amazing how people will fight tooth and nail against someone who they believe does not exist!  That could be classified as a mental illness. Oh wait it is…., LUNACY! Maybe elected officials in Mississippi thought that the far left would leave them alone after they agreed to remove the Confederate emblem from their … Click Here to Read more