Practicing BLM Witch Patrisse Cullors calls for Black Lives Matter to be a Spiritual Movement

It already IS. This is the War in the Spirit World—that has spilled over into the Physical World—and Demons are Manifesting in the Communist Anarchists Democrats!  Leviticus 20:6 “And the soul that turneth after such as have familiar spirits, and after wizards, to go a whoring after them, I will even set my face against … Click Here to Read more

Black Lives Matter leader takes part in an Occult Ritual Dressed as a Winged Demon

Black Lives Matter Founder Takes Part in Bizarre Occult Ritual ‘Trained Marxist’ dresses as winged demon in strange art event Adan Salazar | News Wars – A bizarre video shows a prominent Black Lives Matter leader taking part in an occult ritual in which she dresses as a winged demon and prays for her incarcerated … Click Here to Read more